|twenty two|

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jungwoo pov

"jungwoo, more like fuck you~" she called. i sighed lightly while continuing writing. "and i hope you heard that too. lil bitch. why you hiding? yah! what the hell?"

i rubbed my forehead and set my pencil down. i could never give this to her. a drawing of us together? not gonna happen. i don't even know if she likes me.

"why'd your bitchass leave me," she shut my door behind her. "are we not friends or are you a lil shit?"

"yah, i had to do something really quick."

"like draw?"

"no," i flipped the paper over.

"uh-huh. whatcha drawin'?" she walked over and leaned on my desk.

i stopped her from grabbing the paper and she gave me a weird look. "a secret? just tell me, man."

"n-not— i can't," i said, my hand still on her wrist.


your pov

"darn," i said, drawing my hand back. i rested my head in the palms of my hands. "you're no fun, aren't you."

"yeah, i guess."

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