|twenty three|

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"knock knock motherfuckers," johnny walked in and whistled. "nice ass."

i flipped him off and stood up straight. "go get fucked in the ass, johnny."

"it's the only way i can."

i groaned. "what do you want?"

"bitches going shopping."

"for me?"

"duh you dumbass. doyoung's coming with. he said that he's got fashion unlike me."

"i'd say fashion is really anything because a sweatshirt and sweatpants is comfortable fashion, man. really whatever."

"he's probably gonna buy slutty clothes for you because he doesn't get fucked."

"do any of you?"

"n-yah shut up!"

i started laughing. "i've probably been fucked more than you then."

"how many times?"

"four, five, i don't know. but not enough to get stds or aids or something."

"you've gotten that many boyfriends?"

"surprising, right? a couple times were for money but nevermind all that!"

hi hello im back and if ur reading jealousy (the sequel to talking to you) dont worry bc ive got more chapters written out but they're on a doc and i needa edit them a bit before i can publish them so just hAnG tIgHt cHaMp

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