|twenty nine|

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the door creaked open slightly and taeyong poked his face inside. i sat up.

"oh so you're finally up," he stated, looking me up and down with a disgusted look.

"wow i didn't fucking notice. thanks for telling me, taeyong."

he rolled his eyes. "get up. there's food ready, fatass."

"i'm not hungry," i said to make him leave, though i truly was. i laid down and turned over so my back was facing him.

"if you don't eat then it might be the last time for a while. so you better."

"i'll puke it right up on you. as i said, i'm not hungry."

"whatever," he closed the door.

"take her some food, you dumbass! i'm not gonna let her starve!" someone yelled.

"she said she's not hungry!"

"i'm not letting her starve," the first voice repeated but firmer and quieter.
"i'll just do it," a third said. i could hear plates being set down onto something.

"heyyyy~" doyoung walked in a couple minutes later.

"i'm not hungry."


"no, i'm not. i told you and taeyong that i'm not hungry. can your bunny brain understand that or do i need to spell it out for you?"


"i'm. not. hungry."

"i'm, hungry?" is that what you said?"

i held my arm slightly up and flipped him off. he just groaned and walked out.

"i fucking told you!" taeyong yelled.

"i'll eat it!"

"how the hell do you not gain any weight?!"

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