|thirty eight|

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"hey, yuta?" someone called. he detached his lips from mine. putting his other arm around my waist instead he poked his head out.

just outside of the door of the elevator was jeno.


jaemin's best friend.

yuta let go of me. he shut the door behind him and i was able to hear parts of their conversation.

"hey jeno, what's up?" yuta asked.

"hey, but uh, random question."


"have you seen jaemin's sister at all? she's been missing for a couple days and he's starting to get worried about her."

"oh, i haven't. im sorry, jeno.

so jaemin cares.

"that's ok. maybe renjun's seen her. ill have to go see him next. bye yuta, see ya later."

"bye jeno. good luck."


yuta waited until jeno had left before he came back into the bathroom.

"thank you," i hugged him.

as im writing this me a few other of my classmates were talking abt religions and what satanism is and one kid was like "aRE YOU A SATANIST????"
"yea lmao"

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