|twenty five|

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after doyoung had my clothing size he made me wait back out in the car with johnny.

"can i ask you something?"

"you just did," my voice was muffled from my arms over my face while i tried falling asleep.

"how about two more questions?"


"jesus christ... what's your problem?"

"you're the problem, johnny. fuck off."

"what, are you on your period or something?" he snickered. i sat up and held his shoulders from around the driver's seat.

"this morning i woke up in a puddle of my own blood. is that how you wanna end yours?" i whispered in his ear.

his face dropped. "i-i can go buy you the things you'll need," he stammered.
"then go."

"uh— uh, yeah."

"yea thanks," i said.

gaH thank you guys sO much for 500+ reads oml
i had just finished this chapter so i could thank you so it was crap aNyWaYs bUt im trying ok :')
(maybe not so much this one but–)
ill try to make the next few and more lmao to be mUcH better for you guys
luv u 4ever ❤❤❤❤

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