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"you're really not as bad as i thought."

"i can be," he gave a devilish smirk.


"oh so you think you can control me?"

"the fuck– i never said that–" he sat down in front of me. "isn't that uncomfortable in tux like that?"

"be quiet."

"alright," i agreed.

"question for you."

"lay it on me."

"oh i'll lay on you–"

"what's your question."

"right. why aren't you, like, trying to get away or anything?"

"i've seen enough movies and read enough books."

"damn, okay."

"yeah. so... anything else?"

"...do you even want to go back to your house?"

"no actually it's better here."

he looked surprised. "w-what do you mean 'it's better here'?"

"you're not my parent trynna kill me with broken beer bottles so..."

"oh and plus i don't know where the fuck we're at either."

"oh," he looked surprised at my answer about my parents.

we heard a deep chuckle coming from the pitch black around us.

"oh shut up johnny. we know you're here," jaehyun groaned, rolling his eyes and leaning backwards while holdings his knees.

"...who's johnny?" i asked oblivious to anyone else that could be here.

"here's johnny!" a another man dressed in a black tux jumped out from the darkness while waving his hands. his smile looked too kind for him to be a kidnapper.

"jesus christ..." jaehyun shook his head while chuckling.

this 'johnny' guy held up his index finger and pulled a chair from the black behind him. i gave him a nod with an understanding though still confused face. he just smiled.

"where's my chair?" jaehyun asked though seemed like he knew the answer.

"go get it yourself you big baby–"

"did someone say baby chick?" another man walked him dressed in the same attire as johnny and jaehyun. he did look intimidating but held a childish personality.

"cute..." i mumbled under my breath while looking at him.

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