|fourty two|

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"w- what?" i choked on my kimchi, almost needing to spit it out as i cough.

"we're running away. taeyong will find us anytime and i fucking hate him. he's demanding and a bitch. i know you hated him and so did i."

"oh yea he was a bitch, don't get me started."

"so i was thinking..." he started, "but before anything else, i need to tell you something. will you trust me?"

"how much?"

"with your life."

"it depends..." i trailed off to trick him even though i did trust him fully. he thought for a second. "im kidding. yes, i trust you with my life."

"good. you can't run away or anything when i tell you-"

"stop stalling, yuta. just tell me," i urged. he sighed.

"im a hitman. taeyong hired me a few years ago. remember when you asked johnny where the other girls went?"

i nodded. how did he know?

"i killed them. i had to. it was taeyong who made me but i didn't want to. and im not kidding when i say that i like you. i was supposed to kill you... but i can't. i can't bring myself to do anything horrible to you."

"now eat up. ill go pack our bags."

hi guys so it's summertime for me fiNALLYYYYYYYY
i really hope i can continue this book until at lEAST chapter fifty but i really wanna make it a long book yea sO
since it's summer ill be able to update a lot more than usual heheh
have a great day or night or whatever ❤

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