|fourty five|

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yuta knocked on the door a few minutes later. "are you doing ok? we don't have to leave now if you're not feeling well."

i coughed a couple times before standing up. "it's fine. ill be out in a minute so we can go."

i flushed the toilet and splashed water on my face before opening the door. i felt better already.

yuta hugged me tight and rubbed my back lightly, which made me flinch with pain.

"o-oh— im so sorry," he whispered, holding his arms around my waist. i nodded and hugged him back, putting my head in the crook of his neck.

"you ready? ive got a bag for each of us."

i nodded again and he pulled away to lead me to the kitchen. he handed me a small black backpack.

"let's go."


"what color?"

"bleach blonde for you, and im getting... red!"

"like taeyong? no no no, get blue or something."

"light blue?"


"ok. we also need batteries, flashlights—"

"we already—"

"—extra flashlights. bottled water, food, pocket scissors—"

"it's called a pocket knife."

"yes, one— two of those. maybe some extra blades for them too."

"is that it?"

"i think so!"

hi i don't have anything really lmao besides i went to a kid's birthday party yesterday and i barely even know him????? i think he's my family but idk nan molla
i ❤ u

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