|twenty seven|

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once we met doyoung back where ever (since they blindfolded me again) doyoung excitedly gave me new clothes when he got in the car.

"some things might be tight, by the way."

"goddamn you," i groaned, taking the bags. "maybe i should've just stayed in my other clothes."

"c'mon!" mark whined. "you look hot in my shirt..."

"and it doesn't feel like i am, dumbass."

"she's on her period," johnny whispered. i punched his shoulder. "what the hell?!" he whined, rubbing where i punched.

"shut up," i growled.

"let's just go home," johnny sighed and started the car.

"yeah!" winwin cheered. "i want to see her new clothes."

i whimpered and put my hands on my face while bringing my legs close to my chest.

"it's ok. you can take my shirt," mark whispered and rubbed my back. i slapped his hand off my back and crossed my arms.

"all of you can get fucked in the ass," i said.


"don't even fucking say anything, johnny. i know, you bastard."

"jesus christ, stop cussing so damn much," doyoung told me.

"you're already a hypocrite so i don't know what you're talking about," i replied.

i looked over to mark to see what he had to say. he was biting his lip.

"why the hell are you biting your lip?!"

"it's kinda hot," mark replied, swinging his arm around my shoulder. "you acting like that."

"just stop!" i said, pushing his arm off me. "let me be angry in peace and stop attacking me, ok?!"

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