|fourty four|

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my friend sent me a video of a blind autistic guy named kodi lee who sang and played the piano i cried :')
also i have a question for you at the end !!!!


after putting my dishes in the sink (i rinsed them off first im not a complete psycho) i sat at the kitchen island until yuta was done in the shower. i wasn't sure if he had eaten yet but there was food on the counter so he probably hadn't.

i was still a bit hungry after not eating for a week besides the meal i just had. i took just the tiniest bite my self control would let me and sat back down. im sure ill be fat as fuck when i look in the mirror.

yuta came out a few minutes later with a towel around his waist and was rubbing his hair with another towel. his chest had water droplets on it still and a few were running down his abs. i realized i was staring for a few seconds and looked away.

"hey, you ok?" he asked softly. i looked at him and nodded slightly.

"yea, why?" i asked a bit quiet.

"you seem sad," he frowned and walked over to me. the towel he used on his hair was around the other one that was on his waist.

"no, i- i'm ok," i lied, looking down at my feet.

he lifted my chin gently with his hand. "you don't seem so sure. what's on your mind? you can tell me." he pouted cutely and i smiled slightly.

"hmm, nothing really. im feeling a bit self conscious though," i held my arms around my stomach so he wouldn't see how fat i was after eating.

he pressed his lips against mine slowly. "cmon baby, it's alright. you dont need to feel self conscious around me. youre the kost beautiful woman ive seen."

i blushed and looked away. "yuta... stop being so flirty!" i laughed and lightly pushed him.

he laughed and grabbed my waist. "baby, im just loving you!" he nuzzled his face into my neck.

i giggled and pulled away. "do you have a full body mirror or...?"

"there's one in my bedroom. end of the hall," he pointed to the hallway behind him. "im gonna eat, get dressed, then we can get going, ok?"

"ok." i nodded and walked to his bedroom.


i easily found his bedroom and just walked over to the mirror against the wall at the far end of the room. i pulled up the shirt above my stomach and saw fat. yeah, to someone like yuta, i would look skinny as ever. but really, how can you not see all the fat my stomach has? i used to be able to trace my ribs and now my stomach has jutted out for them to be aligned. you can't trace my ribs anymore. my thighs got thicker and they're so close to touching!

i stood with my legs farther apart and sucked in my stomach. i still looked fat. god dammit-

"hey, im coming in," yuta knocked before opening the door.

"hey," i said, still looking at my thighs.
"whatcha doing? admiring how perfectly skinny you are?"

"no... looking at how fat i got from eating so much. i overate. and i don't feel very good now."

"do you need to throw up? i can get you some medicine-"

"it's fine. ill be right back." i walked to the bathroom and locked the door. yea, the food made me feel sick and i wanted to throw up.

so thats what i did. i forced myself to throw up.

i was silent, just like i was supposed to be.

self hate oh thats fun when you have it constantly growing in the back of your mind like me-
ahem ok forget i said anything lmao
lOnG cHaPtEr yEy i couldnt stop writing it heheh
sO mY qUestion for you guys was;
should i do a character ask? i really really wanna do one bc they seem really fun uwu

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