|twenty six|

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"where the fuck are you?!" doyoung yelled through the phone. "i'm done shopping!"

"oh calm your tits, yoyo ball—" johnny started but i grabbed the phone from him. "hey!"

"women have periods," i said and ran from johnny.

"give me my phone back!" johnny yelled.

doyoung laughed. "now hurry up people are giving me weird looks."

"where even are you?"

"a slutty store dumbass."

i groaned. "why slutty? is it because you guys don't get laid or what?"

"hey! just hurry up," he whined. i hung up and chucked johnny's phone back at him.

"happy now?"

he just rolled his eyes. "just get back in the car."

hi guyssssss
i just wrote this on the bus the other day and im proud lmao
h0pe it's not tOO bad but forgive me if it is plz

aLs0 600+ reads omg i fucking luv yall

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