|thirty seven|

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and as my eyes got heavier and no matter how bad i wanted to sleep i pushed myself self up onto my elbows. my back started to ache and i couldnt move normally.

"god..." i muttered as i tried pushing myself up again. the cuts wrapping around the very tops of my thighs where they meet my torso started to hurt from my position. i hurled myself to my knees.

yuta knocked on the door. "hey, are you ok in there?"

"y–yeah–" i inhaled sharply to keep myself from crying out in pain. i released a choked sob from behind my hand. "im fine–"

"let me in."

"no, yuta–"

"let me in."

i was finally able to stand up and almost collapsed on yuta when i opened the door. one of his hands went behind my back and laid on some of the welts. i winced.

"y–yuta, move your–" i inhaled sharply again. "hand."

he lightly brought his hand to my waist. his other hand held one of mine.

"what's wrong?" he asked, gently twirling me around to see my back.

"wh—" he cut himself off. "c–can i touch—"

"please," i sobbed softly. "don't."

he turned me around to face him again. my hand was still in his and his arm wrapped around my waist again.

he looked at me for a second before smashing his lips onto mine.

@morktea and @deeznuts-69 I FUCKIN LOVE YOU GUYS LMAO
yall r gret ok
uhhh bye
oh and plz dont at me bc i mentioned u lmao

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