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hi guys 😅 sorry ive been gone for so long from this book but i haven't had any motivation or inspiration for it. that doesnt mean im going to discontinue it, but ill finish it for all of you.
i want to know at what chapter you guys want me to end this, since ive got a (small) idea for it
please tell me bc idk what to do lmao
❤ u all


after the bath water was warm enough for my liking i stripped my clothes and sat in it just to calm down. calm down of what? i dont know honestly.


"where the hell is she?!" taeyong yelled. ten shrugged.

"like i know—"

taeyong slapped him across the cheek. "if you want to be like that—"

"taeyong!" johnny yelled, grabbing him by the collar and pulled him backwards.

"shut the fuck up," he said. "we all know she ran off somewhere. and probably with yuta, but just stop fucking yelling."

taeyong squirmed underneath his grasp. johnny rolled his eyes and pushed taeyong away. "bitch..." they both muttered.

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