ask nct answers!

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thank you to all who asked uwu even though there wasn't that many oH weLL

- jaehyun -

what the secret to your good visuals/ looks?
my secret stash of face products. don't tell taeyong pLEASE, his crazy ass will kill me for looking better. why? idk nan molla

why are you so handsome?
my secret stash of beauty products heheh


- johnny -

can you evaluate everyone's fashion
definitely— change your socks. brush your hair at LEAST. 9/10 cuz you're still beautiful ;)

what the secret of your food that make u tall like this?
hmmm... i just eat anything really. well not anything but somewhat healthy food. it doesn't matter what i eat really but you should eat healthy! don't get sick, it's not fun


- winwin -

teAch mE cHinEsE plEAsE
of course!!!! :) (you can have the wifi password too if you want)

stay with wayv even tho i miss to see u with nct 127
don't worry!!! i'll stay with both forever. don't be sad... 127 will come back soon!


- taeyong -

what were you thinking bro? u almost raped dae!
i know, i know. im fucking horrible. but when you deal with eight idiots, everything gets messed up. i couldn't control myself :((( do i regret it though? yes. a whole lot.


- ten -

how do you dance so well?
i have a lot of free time on my hands in the attic. taeyong gets annoyed when im too loud but i don't care cuz he's really mean


- mark -

can i borrow a shirt
i have 42 more black shirts so sure! but no wearing the one dae wore, it's still a sensitive topic :'(


- haechan -

do you love mark in any way? ;>
it's love/ hate sometimes but yes. one time he got really mad at me because i spilt soda on one of his black shirts oops


- doyoung -

buy me food and clothes please
fine, you don't get to pick the style of clothes though ;)

teach me how to cook can u?
sure! taeil is better though, but i'll teach you as much as i know!


- taeil -

how do you hit high notes so well?
i stub my toe a lot so it usually comes naturally but also practice


- jeno -

do u know any renjun?
yesssss!! jaemin and i both like him :))


- jaemin -

how's it going with jeno? ;)
amazing, thank you. we also like this guy named renjun—


- yuta -

how do you feel about losing dae?
absolutely horrible. but i got to be with her before she left ❤


- dae -

why did you suddenly thought of dying?
i couldn't stand it anymore. yuta said he needed me but i didn't deserve such a perfect man. i feel horrible that he jumped after me. i still love him a whole lot though.


- me -

hi! :)
hello :))))

you're so amazing
nO u! thank you though! i bet you're even more amazing :)

it's almost four in the morning please help me uhm—

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