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"i-i won't do it again i promise!" taeyong stammered, inching back.

"at least you guys know not to make me mad," i replied, smirking at taeyong who hid his face behind his hands.

johnny and jaehyun ran up to me. "thank you so much for dealing with his bitchy ass," jaehyun said.

"hey!" taeyong started to defend but shut up when i glared at him.

"okay so first of all," haechan started, "you're scary as fuck when you're mad. has anyone ever told you that?"

"yes, actually," i answered, "one time my friend threw a pair of scissors at my mirror and almost scratched it."


"it was in art class and she needed clay but i didn't know where it was and i needed to put a pair of scissors away but i was busy at that moment so i asked her and she threw them back and my mirror almost scratched."

"w-were you angry like just earlier though?"

"no but my face scared her."

"take notes taeyong!" haechan yelled laughing. 

"shut up!" he yelled back.

"how about both of you." ten said, looking at his phone. i snickered.

i- i have no ideas help

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