|thirty five|

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we arrived at his room to which he opened the door for me. i stepped inside and looked around in awe. the windows to the city were huge ceiling to floor kind, and the room wrapped around the elevator.

"this is a beautiful place," i told him. he nodded and walked into the kitchen. he set out lots of food and drinks.

"do you want to take a shower or eat first?" he rested on the kitchen island and looked at me.

"take a shower."

"what about a bath?"

"...i don't know. i take really long baths."

"don't worry about that," he started to put the food and drinks back in the fridge. "ill clean you up."

"no, no you don't have to do that," i protested. he shook his head and showed me to the bathroom.

"no, yuta," i grabbed his arm when we walked into the bathroom. "i can do this myself, ok?"

"aw," he smiled. "im just trying to help you out—"

"no," i said sternly.

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