|thirty six|

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yuta's smile dropped. "ok ok. ill make the food," he left the bathroom and closed the door behind him. i sighed and locked the door before standing in front of the sink.

honestly, what did i do? what was my fault?

the questions ran through my head as i lifted my crop top over my head and let it slide off of my arm and to the marble floor.

the welts of the whip were still fresh on my back from just a few days ago. the red stripes painted my back in a disgusting way and i reached back to feel. the lines had still been swollen and probably will stay for a while longer. for just even a second the welts burned horribly when i lightly felt them.

i knew i shouldn't have touched them, like an idiot, and i hunched over. i rested my hands on my knees to keep me from trembling. my breathing was hitching and started to become staggered.

"why did this all have to happen to me?"

and as i lay on yuta's bathroom floor, ive never felt more out of place and disgusted and insecure about my body and myself.

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