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when i finally had time to myself, i got up and looked throw my dresser. the drawers were full this time... but with slutty clothes.

one drawer had tons a pairs of black knee high socks and underwear that was barely any underwear. how are thongs even comfortable?

the drawer underneath had tiny bras, the next had crop tops, which most looked too small for me. the top right had skirts and shorts, the middle drawer had my other clothes and mark's black shirt. the bottom drawer had leggings and jeans in it.

i grabbed the clothes that showed the least skin and tried them on. the longest crop top was black and white striped that went just above my belly button. the seam where the arms connected to the main section was cut to show my shoulders. the best thing about it was that i had sweater paws (love those oml).

i tried on a pair of black leggings and a few pairs constricted my legs and they felt numb. i shoved them back into their drawer and instead looks through the jeans. i found a pair of black leather jeans and decided on wearing them instead.


"who are you?" i asked, walking into the main room.

10 reads away from 800, i love you guys omlllll
aLsO i watched snl and bts was lUvLy
like halfway through boy with luv i was halfway to tears of happiness for them and my mom was like "y were u almost crying"
"bc they're aMaZiNg oK"

so yea everytime i saw a clip of them between ads i almost screamed dont @ me lmao

ye bye bye

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