I Got Asked Out On A Date.

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Jasmine POV

I am sitting on the bleachers in gym class. Leslie sits beside me, "Is that a lollipop? Do you have an extra one?" She nods her head and starts digging in her bag, "Why do you look like you want to ask me something?" She looks at her fingers and then at me, "We haven't done anything in a while. Are we not doing it anymore?"

My eyes widen at her cuteness, "Oh my god!! You're so cute! Let's go to the locker room." I stand up and grab her hand, "S-Someone will see us. We can just go to my house." I shake my head, "I have some other things to do after school. Do you not want to?" She shakes her head and I lick her earlobe.

"Do you have your vibrator?" She nods her head as she digs in her bag, "You're so cute!" She looks up at me and I bend down and put my lips on hers. She lets out a squeal of shock and I nibble on her lip, "Take your pants off."

I run my fingers down her leg and she shivers, "You're already so wet. We haven't even done anything." She looks away from me, "Because we haven't done anything in a while." I put two of my cold fingers inside her without warning. "It's so warm inside you."

She throws her head back and arches her back off of the lockers. "You're so cute Leslie." I stand up and lick her neck, "I-I n-need more." My eyes widen at her statement, "You never tell me anything like this before. I always had to force it out of you. What's going on?"

She looks at me with a dazed look and I laugh, "I'll give you what you want." I pull my fingers out and put them in her mouth. She starts sucking my fingers as I put the little vibrator in her and pick up the remote. "Since you want it so bad, let's put it on a high level."

I turn it on and she screams, "Ah!!!" I quickly put my lips against hers. I pull away and laugh, "You don't want to be too loud. Someone might hear you and we'll get caught." She moves her hips and I rub her clit. "The way you're reacting is making me feel bad for not playing with you lately."

I move my fingers inside her and she rolls her eyes to the back of her head, "You can cum whenever you want." As soon as I say that she lets herself go and falls to the floor. I pull the vibrator out and leave my fingers inside her. "Taste yourself." I put my fingers in her mouth and she moans. I get on top of her and kiss her, "That was fun."

"W-What about you?" I kiss her nose and shake my head, "I have something to do after school and I don't want to be too tired." A little pout crawls on her lips and I hug her, "Why are you so cute?! Let's go back to the gym." I help her put her clothes back on and I wash my hands. We walk out of the locker room and go to sit on the bleachers.

"You were very honest. Is something wrong?" She turns red in the face and shakes her head, "No, I just missed you." We sit down and I lay my head on her lap, "I didn't know you had a friend other than London." I look over and see Karson smiling at me, "There's a lot of things you don't know about me."

He laughs as I sit up, "You can't ruin my mood because I got London's number." He throws a basketball at me and I catch it, "Come shoot with me." I look at him with an annoyed look, "Why?" He walks up to me and drags me to the goal, "Because Kade won't shoot with me and I don't have any other friends but you." I throw the ball at him, "Who said I was your friend?" He shoots the ball, "You're forcing yourself on Kade and I'm forcing you to be my friend whether you like it or not."

Before I can even say anything Devin walks up to us, "Can I shoot with y'all?" We both nod our heads, "Who's your friend?" Devin asks me with a smile, "He's no-."

"I'm Karson, Jasmine's friend." Karson cuts me off by putting his hand over my mouth. I step on his foot and he pushes me away. "Don't put your dirty hands on me again." He hands Devin the basketball and put both of his hands on both sides of my face. My eyes widen in shock and seconds later I put my hands around his neck and start choking him, "You asshole!!"

"That's why I'm the asshole closer to Kade!" Devin wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me away from Karson and starts laughing, "You two are really funny." I cross my arms and pout, "I'm not funny." Karson walks up to me and puts his right index finger on my nose.

I jump towards him but Devin still have me in his arms. "Too slow." I stretch my arm out and grab his left ear. "Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Shit! Shit! Shit! Let go!" I laugh and he falls to the floor, "Say you're sorry and I'll let you go."

"Hell no! I will kiss this floor before I apologize to you!" Devin starts laughing even harder, "Devin! Help me!" Devin puts his hand on top of mine and I look up at him, "Let's not pull his ear off." I let go of Karson's ear and he stands up while holding his ear.

"Let's go shoot Devin." I take the ball out of Devin's hand and he follows me back to the goal, "It's my ball!" Without looking at Karson I shout, "Not anymore, dumbass!" The whole gym starts laughing and I look around and see that everybody was just watching me and Karson argue with each other for like five minutes straight.

I shoot the ball and miss, "Basketball is not your sport." I look at Devin and roll my eyes, "Sports are not for me period." He laughs and shoots the ball, "Come closer and shoot. It'll be easier for you."

From the corner of my eye, I see Kade come in from his usual smoking spot. He goes to sit on the bleachers. I shoot the ball and Karson comes from behind me, "You suck." I roll my eyes and look at Devin, "How's your first day?" He shrugs his shoulders, "It's okay, a lot of girls are already coming up to me asking for my number."

He comes up to me, "But the girl number I want hasn't even offered her number to me." I arch my eyebrow, "Who? What's her name?" He comes up to me and I look up at him, "Her name is Jasmine." I hold my hand out and he hands me his phone, "Why do you want my number?"

"Yeah, why do you want her number?" I snatch the ball out of Devin's hand and throw the ball at Karson, "Stay out of our conversation. I will delete and block your number from London phone without her even knowing." His eyes widen, "I can't wait until I can get something over your head."

I look back at Devin and he laughs, "I think you're cute and I want to hang out sometime." Karson comes back up to us and my eyes widen.

"You're asking me on a date?" I ask.
"You're asking her on a date?" Karson asks.

I grab Karson by the ear and the bell rings, "Yeah, I'll text you later. You can give me your answer then." He walks off and I watch as he walks out of the gym. Karson taps my hand and I let his ear go, "Did he really just ask you out on a date?" I nod my head, "Yeah, I'm just as surprised as you are." I see Kade from the corner of my eye stand up. I run to him with a smile on my face, "Are we going to your house?!" He puts his jacket on and starts walking towards the parking lot. 

I follow closely behind him, "Are you ignoring me again?" We walk up to his car and he unlocks the door, "Get in." I jump up and down as I run to the passenger side. "Are you going to put it in?!" He pulls out a cigarette and lights it, a pout crawls on my lips as he continues to ignore me. I look out the window and think to myself. Does Devin really want to go on a date with me? Why am I questioning him? I sound like a girl who had never encounter a boy before.

"Get out." I am pulled away from thoughts, "Why are we at the mall?" He throws his cigarette as we walk in the mall, "You owe me one." He says to Ben as we walk in the shop, "Why did you come along?" I cross my arms and pout, "I don't even know." We walk to his area or room, whatever he wants to call it, "Are we going to your house after this? Why did you bring me along? I could have just waited for you to get off." 

A man that looks to be in his mid-twenties walks in, "Keep talking and we won't do anything for the next two weeks." I close my mouth and nod my head. I watch as Kade talk to the man about his tattoo. I sit down on the futon beside Kade and watch as he tattoos the man. He looks nice while doing a tattoo. I pull my knees to my chest and watch Kade smoothly do his job. He really likes doing tattoos, his face looks a lot softer. "Why are you staring at me so hard?" 

Kade asks me without looking away from his work, "I was just thinking. You really love working here." He looks at me from the corner of his eye, "Go to sleep, I'll wake you up when it's time for us to go." I stretch out my arm towards him and move his hair out of his face, he looks at me and I retreat my hand, "I'm sorry, it looked like your hair was in your way."

He looks back at his work, "Go to sleep."

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