Jasmine's and Kade's Date?

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Kade POV

I wake up with my arms around Jasmine, our legs tangle together, and her head rested on my chest. I reach over for my phone and she moans. I see five messages from Karson asking about my whereabouts.

I call Karson and he picks it up, "How could you and Jasmine leave me and London in this hell hole?! We could have skipped together!" I rub the rest of my sleep away and sigh, "It wasn't a planned skip. Why didn't you just leave school?"

He stays silent for a few seconds, "We did leave." I roll my eyes, "Then why are you complaining?" I hear London in the background, "Hello, Kade? Guess what?" Jasmine moves closer to me and groans.

"What?" She lets out a squeal, "Me and Karson just got done having sex!!" Jasmine lifts her head up quickly and takes my phone out of my hand, "Swear!!" I hear London laugh, "I swear, it was so good!!"

Jasmine squeals, "I did not see that happening any time soon. I thought Karson would be too scared to even have sex with you."

"He's way different in bed." I hear her say as I lay back down. They talk for a few more minutes and then hang up. Jasmine hands me my phone and her stomach growls, "Go brush your teeth. We're going back once we eat breakfast." She wraps her arms around my neck and groans, "I don't want to. I like staying here."

I look at her and she unwraps her arms from around my neck, "Whatever." 

I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. I turn the shower on and get in after I feel that it's the right temperature. Five minutes into the shower I hear the bathroom door open, "Someone's at the door." I look at Jasmine and she flinches from my gaze, "Did you answer it?"

She shakes her head and I reach for my towel. "Man or woman?" I ask as I dry myself off, "Man." She hands me a tank top and some shorts. I put them on and go to open the door. "I was wondering why you were here. You're here to get some alone time with your girlfriend."

I close the door in my dad's face, but he stops it with his foot. "That's not nice." I walk to the kitchen, "Am I ever nice to you or anybody?" Jasmine walks in and she freezes when she sees my dad, "Hello, sir." Her stomach growls and she quickly runs to the living room, "What are you doing here and how did you even know I was here?" I pull out a few things to start cooking and Jasmine comes back in, "I want some french toast sticks!"

Me and my dad look at her and she mumbles a sorry and runs back to the living room. "This place is way closer to my office. It's a twenty-minute drive to my office from here. Charlee and your mom kept talking about this mysterious girl. I thought it was a different girl, but it seems like she's the same one. You two must have gotten closer if she's walking around here half naked."

I start making us some french toast, "Doesn't have anything to do with you." He lets out a low chuckle, "You know I know you did something stupid. How will she react once she finds out?" I shrug my shoulders, "We'll see once we get there." He rolls his eyes, "I can't get irritated with you because you are my son. I used to act just like you when I was younger." I put some eggs in a skillet, "And now you're an old man asking his son about a girl."

He laughs this time, "Are you going to share your breakfast?" I look at him once I finished cooking. I make three plates and set one in front of him, Jasmine comes in and I hand her a plate and she smiles. She goes back to the living room, "You hid the file about that deal, didn't you?" He nods his head, "Yes I did, I knew you would come here sooner or later to find something out. I already told you that you can't know anything until you are twenty-one."

"That's a load of bullshit." I turn around and see Jasmine eating her food as if nothing is going on. "What's your name, young lady?" My dad asks as Jasmine quickly tries to swallow her food, "M-My name is Jasmine, sir." He arches his eyebrow, "What's your last name?"

"Mills." I look at my dad and he puts his face in his hand, "You really know how to choose people, don't you?" I arch my eyebrow in confusion and he finishes up his breakfast. "What are you talking about?" He shakes his head and laughs, "You'll find out soon. I'll see you later. It was nice meeting you, Jasmine."

He walks out after that and Jasmine comes up to me, "Your dad is scary just like you. The food was good!" She puts her dish in the sink and I stand up, "Go take your shower. We leave once you're ready." She goes to the bathroom and I start washing the dishes. Once I'm finished with the dishes I put my shoes on and sit down on the sofa and wait for Jasmine. I look up at the ceiling and close my eyes. 

Three minutes later I feel a towel on my head. "What are you doing?" I hear her hum in response, "You didn't dry your hair, so I'm taking this chance to get close to you by drying your hair." I allow her to dry my hair and she kisses my forehead, "Stop kissing me." She laughs and then pulls away, "I'm sorry, your forehead is so irresistible." 

I stand up and she looks up at me, "Let's go." We walk outside and I lock the door. She groans once she looks at my motorcycle, "I really hate riding this thing." We get on the bike and head home. "I don't care what you say, but I'm calling this a date!" She screams in my ear and I speed up to shut her up. She tightens her arms around me and screams. 

Two hours later

We are in front of my house and Jasmine is throwing another tantrum. "Why are you throwing a tantrum?" We look behind us and see Karson and London, "Because I really hate riding on this damn bike!" London laughs and Karson rolls his eyes, "What happened to your face?" Jasmine asks London, "Me and Mila got into it. She was talking shit again." Jasmine touches her scratches, "What she say this time?" 

"She kept talking about you, saying that you are a slut. The only one who can call you a slut is me and you're not even that anymore. She also kept saying something about Kade. She said Kade is a dumbass for letting something like Jasmine get attached to him." I arch my eyebrow and look at Karson, "Did you try to break it up?" Karson quickly shakes his head, "You never break up a fight between girls."

I roll my eyes, "So where have you two been?" Jasmine wraps her arms around me, "We were on a date!" They both look at me, "I just don't care enough to say anything." I look at Karson, "How was your time with London?" Karson looks at me with wide eyes, "D-Did you just teased me?!" 

I push my bike toward the garage, "Maybe."

Devin POV

"Why are you so stuck on trying to get Kade to blow up?" I look at Mila as she puts on one of my shirts,  "How can you not get upset about something?" She shrugs her shoulders, "Everybody has a button that has to be pushed." She rolls her eyes, "He didn't even get upset when he found out his sister was getting bullied. I paid those guys and girls to do all of that."

She looks at me, "Didn't the boys have a broken nose and one of them had cigarette burns all over them." I nod my head as I sit up and kiss her shoulder, "Yeah, I asked them what was Kade reaction. They said he had a calm look on his face as he burned one of them with his cigarette." 

I see confusion cross her face, "How did they get broken noses?" I groan in annoyance, "Karson! Karson gave them a broken nose! Where the hell did he even come from out of this?!" She lets out a laugh, "I asked him why he didn't blow up when people were bullying his sister. He said that he had people blow up for him. He's pointing that at Jasmine and London, they were the ones who got back at the girls."

"Do you have a better plan?" She shakes her head, "No, I don't. All I'm thinking of is ways to get back at London." I roll my eyes, "You're the one who provoked her by talking about Jasmine."

Mila and London got into a fight earlier today. Mila kept talking about Jasmine after London warned her to keep her mouth shut. She scoffs, "So she goes apeshit?!" I hug her from behind and pull her to my chest, "Of course she does. At least you got a few hits in yourself."

I sit up quickly when an idea comes to mind. "I just got an idea." 

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