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Kade POV

I wake up to the sound of someone walking in my room. "Dude, it's like almost 1:00 in the afternoon. Wake the hell up." Karson pulls the blanket off of me and I open one eyelid, "Where the hell did you get all these tattoos from?" I sit up and snatch my blanket out of his hand, "I got them done towards the end of November beginning of December."

I walk to the bathroom, "Hey Karson. Where have you been at?" Charlee walks in and I start brushing my teeth, "Your brother never wants me here, so sometimes I have to sneak my way in. Or pray and hope that you or your mom answers the door." I look at my bed head and sigh, "You should come over often. You're Kade's first real friend."

I walk out of the bathroom and Charlee looks at me, "What do you want?" She shakes her head, "Nothing, I just wanted to see Karson." She walks out after that and I sit down on my bed, "I feel so honor that I'm your first friend." I roll my eyes and his eyes widen, "You didn't deny it! Are you finally saying we're friends?!"

"What are you doing here?" He starts laughing, "I'm going to say that you said that we are friends, but I came over because I'm bored. There's nothing to do at all." I let out a yawn and he looks at me, "I can't believe you're not a morning person. That's why you're always sleeping in school."

"Go with Jasmine and London." He drops his head and groans, "They're to busy getting ready for Jasmine's stupid date. London said this is Jasmine first date and that they need to take all day to prepare for the date." I sit up and arch my eyebrow, "First date? She's never been on a date until now?" He nods his head, "Are you surprised?"

I shrug my shoulders, "You would think she's been on plenty of dates." He nods his head agreeing with me, "Yeah, I hope it goes well for her." I point to my desk and he arches his eyebrow, "My dad gave me some tickets for some fight. We can go there for tonight."

He looks at the tickets and seconds later he pulls his phone out, "Jasmine!! Kade got tickets to a fight with Ian and Owen attending it!" I hear Jasmine scream on the other end of the phone. He starts laughing, "I'm going to a fight!" He hangs up minutes later, "She kept saying she wanted to go."

I rub my face, "I know, I heard her from here." He looks at the tickets once again, "I didn't know they were having a fight. Me and Jasmine were just talking about this yesterday." I stand up and stretch, "Somehow my dad got front row seats. Will this help your boredom?" He stands up and tries to give me hug, "Don't hug me."

A pout crawls on his face and I go to my closet, "I'm hungry. Let's go to that new diner." I hear him fall onto my bed as I look for some clothes, "Me and Jasmine went yesterday. It was really good. You know Ian's wife, Hazel, owns the place, right?" I close the closet door and nod my head, "Yeah, I drove by during their grand opening."

I change in the closet, "Why didn't you stop? You could have gotten an autograph from Ian." I come out as I pick up some shoes, "It was too crowded." He looks at me with wide eyes, "You passed up seeing one of the best fighters in person because it was too crowded. That would not have been me, I would have pushed my way to the front to see him in person. I would even want to see Hazel, she is so beautiful."

"Don't tell me you got a crush on Ian's wife?" He looks at me and laughs, "No, just complimenting his beautiful wife." I put my shoes on, "What about Jacey? The wife of Zach Daniels." He stands up and holds his heart, "She's beautiful too! Both of their wives are so beautiful!" I grab my phone and keys and we walk downstairs, "I would love for one of them or both them to give me a hug and a kiss on the cheek."

I roll my eyes as we walk out of the house and towards my car. "I doubt that would ever happen." We head towards the diner, "If it happens you owe me fifty dollars." I nod my head, "Deal." We shake on it and he laughs. "You know if it doesn't happen you will have to owe me fifty?" He looks at me and smile, "Yeah, I know. I don't need to worry because it's going to happen."

We pull up to the diner, "Hey Kade." We turn around and see Mila walking towards us, "What are you doing here?" She crosses her arms, "I just came to eat at the new diner." We walk in and go to a booth. Mila sits down beside me, "Now I regret leaving my house. Why are you sitting here?"

She scoots closer to me, "Where's Jasmine?" I rest my head on my hand, "Why are you asking about her? It doesn't concern you." She shows me a half smile, "Are you trying to protect your little girlfriend from me?"

"I'm not protecting anyone and plus if she was my girlfriend right now we would be in the bed all day doing what I enjoy the most." Her smile drops and I look out the window, "Then who the hell is she to you and why is she always around you?" I look at Karson and he is too busy sipping on his drink, "None of your business."

She sucks her teeth, "What's so good about her anyway?" I take a sip of my drink and look at her, "She listens." Karson starts laughing and I show her a half smirk, "Listen? What do you mean she listens?"

I ignore her question and order my food. "Can you leave now? I don't want you ruining my lunch." Karson starts choking on his food, "If you want to laugh then laugh. It's annoying hearing you coughing after everything." She rubs my thigh and all of a sudden she gets pulled out of the booth. She falls to the floor with a scream, "Ahh!!"

I look up and see Jasmine. She sits in the booth with me and hugs me, "I've missed you!" I continue to eat my food, "You bitch!" Jasmine looks at Mila and tilts her head to the side, "Why am I bitch? You were putting your hands on Kade. I let you slide with kissing him on the cheek, but touching my favorite part on his body is a no-no."

"Oh, it's this bitch again. What are you doing here, new girl?" London walks up to Mila and smiles at her. Mila looks at Jasmine and crosses her arms with a smug look on her face, "There's no point in me even trying to hit you. Your friend is just going to jump in." London laughs and shakes her head, "We're best friends, but we fight our own fights unless there are two people trying to fight one of us."

I look at Jasmine and she smiles up at me. I pick up a fry and put it in my mouth. "I haven't asked when can we play for the whole week. Do I get a reward?" Mila puts her hands on her waist and scoff, "How old are you?" Jasmine glares at Mila, "Why don't you just leave? Nobody wants you here."

I pick up another fry, "Reward." Jasmine looks back at me and I put my lips against hers. I lick her bottom lip and then pull away. I put a fry in my mouth and they all look at me with wide eyes. Jasmine covers her face and laughs, "D-Did you just kiss Jasmine?" Karson asks me with wide eyes, I nod my head and I see Mila glaring at me.

She storms off and I continue eating my food. Jasmine wraps her arms around me and squeals, "I got my reward from Kade and it was a kiss." She starts humming and Karson laughs, "I can't believe you did that to get rid of Mila."

I look down at Jasmine and she has her forehead on my shoulder, "I did it to get rid of her and also to give someone their reward." I finish up my food and Jasmine hums to herself for the entire time. "Me and Jasmine have to go. We are watching a few movies today before her date." Karson stands up, "Let me come along. I want to watch movies too." Jasmine shakes her head, "No, it's just me and London."

They walk off and I pay for my food. "I can't believe you really kissed Jasmine." I run my fingers through my hair, "All I did was place my lips on hers nothing else. It was barely a kiss." He crosses his arms, "You didn't even use your tongue. So, basically, it was like a peck."

He doesn't need to know I licked her lip. "She was so happy, she kept smiling and humming to herself." We get in the car and I drive towards the mall. "Why are we going to the mall?" I look at Karson and then back at the road, "I have to do one or two sessions real quick. You want me to drop you off at home?" He shakes his head, "Nah, I'm going to flirt with one of your female artists." I shrug my shoulders, "There is only one female and she is the receptionist. Plus she is like twenty-six."

He rubs his hands together, "I love me some older women." I roll my eyes, "She might like younger boys herself." We pull up to the mall and I park, "What are going to do about Jasmine?" I arch my eyebrow, "You kissed her, meaning she's going to be around you twice as much." I shake my head as we get out of the car. "Remember when Mila asked me what's so good about Jasmine?" He nods his head in reply, "Yeah, you said she listens."

"She will continue to listen to me if she wants another kiss from me, although I won't give her that anymore. She needs to know that she can't always get what she wants and I'm going to be the one to teach her that."

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