A Headache I Don't Mind Having.

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Kade POV

"I'm not shooting a gun." I walk up to her and she steps back, "You said you're not getting on my bike, but you did. You said you're not shooting a gun, but you are." I hand her the gun and she slowly takes the gun. "I don't even know how to shoot this."

I pick up another gun and hold it. "Use your dominant hand to hold the gun and us your other hand and place it under the gun to keep it steady." She does as I say, I put the gun down and get behind her. I put my hands on top of her hands, "Straighten your arms and steady your breathing." She leans back on me, "That's actually hard when your front is on my back."

"Jasmine." She freezes at the sound of my voice, "Repeat what I just said." She takes a deep breath and straightens up, "Straighten up my arms and steady my breathing."

I take the safety off, "When you're ready to shoot use your index finger to pull the trigger." She puts her finger on the trigger and I put my finger on top of hers. I put pressure on her finger and help her pull the trigger. We hit the target and she looks at the gun and then back at the target.

"Now try without me." I step back from her and she holds the gun up, "Straighten my arms and steady my breathing." She says right before she pulls the trigger and hits the target. She looks at me, "Shoot with that gun a few more times and then we'll move on to the next gun." I lean against the wall and watch as she shoots the gun.

Five minutes later I hit a button that brings the target up to let you get a better view of it. "I have some good aim." I look at Jasmine and see her smiling at the target. Just a second ago she was against shooting a gun. 

"Next gun."

Two hours later

We just finished up shooting and I taught Jasmine everything I know about shooting. "Can we eat something? You did come out of nowhere and told me to get dress. I haven't eaten anything all day." We are now outside the shooting range, I'm smoking a cigarette. "You can eat when you get home." 

She stomps her foot and looks up at me, "I am hungry and I want something to eat! We've been out all day shooting some damn guns!" I blow my smoke in her face and she starts coughing, "Excuse me, sir, do you know where the closest restaurant is?" I look over and see an overweight man sitting on a bench with a cigarette in his mouth. "Yeah, there is a Waffle House five miles that way." He points pass me and Jasmine smiles at him, "Thank you, sir." 

She glares at me, "Keep smoking them damn cigarettes and you're going to end up like this man! No offense, sir!" The man laughs and shakes his head, "None taken."

She stomps pass me, "I'm walking to get my food!!" My mouth drops in shock as she continues to walk in the direction of the Waffle House. "I'm guessing she's your girlfriend." I take a long drag of my cigarette, "She's not my girlfriend. She is most likely a headache who doesn't go away." I look at the man and he laughs, "That's it?"

"She's a headache that I've gotten used to and don't mind if she sticks around." 

I drop my cigarette and step on it. I get on my bike and take off to catch up to Jasmine, "I'm not getting on that!" She speeds up and I catch up her, "Why?" She looks at me as if I grew an extra head, "What do you mean why?! I said I was hungry and you tell me to wait till I get home! Plus I don't want to get back on that thing and all you do is speed!" 

I let out a long sigh, "Get on, I'll take us there." She looks at me, "Are you tricking me?" I hold up the helmet, "Do I ever joke?" She takes the helmet and gets on. As soon as I feel her arms tightly around me I speed off. We arrive at Waffle house five minutes later and she silently gets off. I'm guessing she's the type of person who gets angry when she's hungry.

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