Kissing ~ Preference

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Bellamy ~ Roughly, filled with passion. Most of the time when the kissing begins he'll have you pressed against something, whether it be the wall or a table, his body covering yours with no space between the two of you.

Monty ~ Monty's kisses are beyond gentle. His hand pressed against your cheek with his soft lips covering yours. The kisses are quick, but they're filled with so much meaning.

Murphy ~ His lips land on your neck, your jaw, your collarbones. Marks are made so everyone knows that you belong to him. When his lips finally land on yours, his hands grab on to your waste, pulling you into him.

Finn ~ Finn keeps his lips on yours for minutes at a time without pulling away, leaving you gasping for breath when he finally does. His kisses are passionate, but gentle, making sure he's not hurting you in any way.

Jasper ~ He prefers kissing your cheeks, or your forehead. When his lips get a craving for yours, he can't be stopped. He could go hours just kissing you, having you that close to him is what keeps him sane.

Octavia ~ Hands all over. Grabbing on to you as if letting you go for one second would mean losing you forever. Her kissing were slow, loving, leaving no room for a breath in between. Normally in between kisses, she'd whisper the words "I love you."

Luna ~ Kissing Luna was full of love. Giggling when your lips missed hers, hitting her chin or cheek accidentally. Eventually when she got tired of waiting, she would rest her hands on your cheeks and pull you towards her, guiding your lips, making sure each kiss showed you how much she craved you.

Lexa ~ She was a born leader, she guiding you when kissing as well. She kept her hands on your waist, making sure not to let go, if you slipped away she would never get you back. After a few seconds of kissing, she would pull away and put her forehead against yours, telling you she loves you.

Raven ~ She always smiled into the kiss, never wanting to stop. When she had to go back to her work, she left you with one final kiss, making sure it was filled with passion and love, that's what kept you sane through the day.

Echo ~ She didn't like kisses as much as you did, but she kissed you anyways, making sure to make it as perfect as she could. Every kiss she placed on your lips proved that she loved you.

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