Tangled up - Finn (Smut)

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The story of how you got in the "art supply store" as Finn called it, was pretty simple.
You and Finn were hunting, finding a few berries at the most
Acid fog.
And thankfully Finn knew where to go
Instead of complaining about the current situation, Finn decided it was a good break for the two of you considering how busy you both had been doing work for everyone else today.
You had lit a few candles from the many boxes laying around, and placed them around the room to give enough light for your vision to adjust. Finn sat on the floor near you, twiddling with his thumbs.
"Hey, get out of la la land over there dreamer boy," Finn looked up slightly.
"We should at least make the best of this since we don't know how long we'll be here," you walked over to him as you spoke, and reached a hand towards him to help him up, "come explore these boxes with me."
He let you help him up, and the two of you went to different boxes eager to find any random object to spark the interest of the other.
You pulled your hands out of the box you were searching, and walked over to where Finn was holding something behind his back with a mischievous smile.
You crossed your arms waiting for him to show you what he had found.
"Helloooo earth to spacewalker, what did you find?"
He dropped his hands to his sides and chuckled a bit.
"Absolutely nothing, I just wanted your attention."
You smiled at that, walking back to the box you had been looking through, Finn following you.
"This box has blankets and pillows, so we could make separate beds on the floor since we don't know how long we'll be held up here."
You grabbed the pillows and walked over to where the floor had enough space to make small beds. While you did this Finn grabbed one of the blankets and threw it behind a shelf.
"Y/N, looks like there's only gonna be one bed."
You walked back over to the boy, looking in the box for another blanket besides the one in his hands.
"I could've sworn there was another... well I don't mind sharing a little sleeping space with you."

The two of you fixed the small bed, and blew every candle out. Finn took his shirt off then laid down on his side and started to get comfortable.
As you laid down you slipped a bit and landed on Finns chest.
"Oh erm haha I'm sorry I'll just scoot over here"
Finns arm pulled you back down to his chest.
"No, I think you're good right here if that's okay with you, It's cold anyways."
Your face began to heat up and you were glad he couldn't see it over how dark it was.
You began to shift around trying to get comfortable. You lifted your leg up and felt something hard pass your leg, at the same time Finn out a small groan.
"Was that..?"
"Um.. would you like some help with it?"
Finns body tensed at the comment.
He started to lift you up to straddle him, but you pushed his hands away.
"No no, I'm helping you, you just lay there and try to keep breathing Finn."
He pulled his hands away, and you felt around till you found his area again.
You got on his lap, him still laying down, and pulled your shirt and bra off trying to keep silent.
"Finn, sit up."
As soon as he was up the skin of his chest hit yours.
"I want to see you Y/N go light a candle."
Finn groaned and reached for your breast's when you said no. You guided him and when his fingers found your skin you let him do the rest.
He took your nipples in between his fingers, pinching and rubbing, making you let out a quiet moan.
While you were distracted he managed to push you down onto your back, trying to take control, which even though you wanted to help him and not be dominated, the feeling of Finns body over yours was enough to make you need more.
Finn let his lips travel down to the valley of your breasts, then moved to lick at the left one for only a second before moving to the right one.
He kissed down your stomach, stopping at your pants.
"May I?" He asked, his voice beginning to become raspy.
He pulled your pants off along with your underwear, you heard him unzip and pull off his own pants as well.
He lowered his head to in between your thighs, kissing all around the place you needed him most.
You pulled at his hair, hoping it would give him a hint. Finn removing your hands from his hair and pushing them down to the floor gently.
"I've been waiting so so long to do this, don't rush me sweetheart."
You let out a small whimper as he placed a soft kiss on your heat.
"Mmm do you like that sweetheart?"
You nodded your head yes but forgot he couldn't see you.
He moved his hand down and shoved one finger inside of you quickly.
"I asked you a question sweetheart, do you like that?"
"Oh my god Finn yes I love it mmmore"
He started moving his finger slowly, and then added another one as he started to quicken his pace. His tongue found its way to your clit, licking and sucking until you were a moaning mess, his fingers speeding up even more.
"F-Finn I'm gonna cu-"
"No you're not."
Finn pulled his fingers away and you heard him suck your wetness off of them.
"Sweetheart you're so sweet, you can't finish yet. Remember the problem you wanted to help me with, you still up for that?"
"Yes, please, please now, I need it now."
Finn chuckled at your eagerness and laid himself onto you, lining up as he got positioned.
"Just tell me what you want me to do when it starts, this is about you feeling good too sweetheart."
He pushed himself into slowly, not wanting to hurt you. When he was completely in he didn't move much just so you could get used to him.
"Finn please move"
"Whatever you say"
He pulled out slowly and pushed back in at the same pace, all of it was so achingly slow for you.
"Finn stop."
"Stop being scared. You're not gonna hurt me, or break me. Stop holding back."
"Are you sure?"
"Finn I swear if you don't sta-"
He shoved himself into you, and began to pull out slowly again.
"Finn I'm serious"
"Be patient Y/N"
When nothing but his tip was left inside you he shoved the rest of his length in as well.
He did this motion a few times before he couldn't take the slowness anymore, he gripped onto your hips, pulling you towards him to meet the rhythm of each thrust. Each time hitting a new place in you that made you moan his name out and eventually making you hit your high and scream his name in a new way that apparently affected him greatly.
Hearing the way you said his name so dirtily was enough to send him over the edge, he pulled out and released beside the bed, probably on one of the candles.
You began to pat around the floor, searching for your clothes.
"Leave them off, I won't touch you anymore I promise, if you even want me to get off the little bed we made I will."
You started patting on the bed instead, searching for Finn. Your hand met his skin and you laid back down on his chest.
"Thank you Y/N"
"For what Finn?"
"It's not every day that a guy gets the girl of his dreams to help with his *problem* especially in a way that he's been dreaming of forever."
You started drawing shapes on his skin with one hand and the other traveled to play with his hair.
"Well, it's also not every day we almost die from acid fog, but I've wanted to do that with you for a while. I've always been intrigued by you. Now I just have another reason to adore you."
"Y/N would you maybe want to do this more often?"
"The sex or the trying not to die from acid fog?"
"Neither, just hanging out, being together, is that okay."
"Actually Finn I would love that."
He kissed the top of your head and you began to settle into his chest more.
"Could you go get another cover Y/N, there's one I threw behind a shelf so I could sleep next to you but now I'm cold and I don't want you to be cold sooooo"
You stayed silent for a minute
You stayed silent again
"Did I do someth-"
"I just wanted to hold you.."
"I meant are you kidding in like a cute way but I mean ahh just hold me and go to sleep Finn."
"Alright sweetheart"
"Alright spacewalker"
You fell asleep to the sound of his soft snores filling the room, even though acid was falling from the skies outside, being tangled up like this with finn was amazing.



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