Secrets // Bellamy Blake x Cage Wallace (Smut)

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Part of my 1K special ♥️

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An imagine where Cage has noticed Bellamy sneaking around Mount Weather, and has started helping him. Cage took a liking to Bellamy, and has been showing him art, music, and artifacts from what Earth was like before. After a few trips, they kissed for the first time. Things got more and more heated each time.


Bellamy took a left turn in the halls of Mount Weather, smiling as he thought about what all he had seen. Paintings, sculptures, music, posters, everything that his ancestors used to see every day, he was finally beginning to see with his own eyes.

If anyone else that had came down from the Ark had known, or anyone from the original 100 had known, they for sure wouldn't approve. Not even Clarke knew about this.

This was Bellamy's seventh trip to see Cage Wallace, and he wasn't wasting any time.

The last few trips, the two had indulged in music, art, and each other. Kissing and touching all over until one of them had to go.

This time, Bellamy left enough time in his schedule to go "missing" for an hour.

Which was enough time to fall in love with Cage just a little bit more.

Bellamy opened the door, smiling as he saw him beside the small radio, soft music coming from the smaller speakers. He shut the door softly behind him, and walked up to Cage, putting his hands around his waist.

"Guess who."

Cage laughed softly, turning around to kiss Bellamy.

"I have a surprise, turn around."

Bellamy turned around, looking at the floor. What he saw made his heart stop for a second, but then start speeding up quickly,

A makeshift bed, consisting of a thick blanket, a pillow, and another thinner blanket.
A small lantern, dimly lit to seem more like a candle.
A clock, just to remind them when the hour they had went by.

Bellamy gulped, Cage rubbing his back when he heard him.

"If this it too much too soon, I understand. But I want you Bell, I want this, with you. I'm scared we might not have much more time to do this, and if one of us loses the other, I know I don't want this to be forgotten."

Bellamy turned to face him, taking his face in his hands and bringing him towards him.

"I want to, Cage."

Cage kissed Bellamy, passionately, just rough enough to know how bad he wanted him. He pushed Bellamy softly towards the makeshift bed, smiling when he landed on it.

"Bell I've never done anything like this, so I don't know if what I'm doing is right."

"Would you like me to show you?"

Cage nodded, and Bellamy flipped them over to where he was on top. He pulled his shirt off, the did the same for Cage, throwing their clothes to the side.

Cage looked at Bellamy, pressing his fingers to his chest, tracing shapes and admiring how perfect he was.

Bellamy leaned down to kiss him, pressing his tongue to his lips for entrance. After entering Cages mouth, he smiled into the kiss, then pulled away after a few seconds.

"There's a few ways we can do this, Cage."

Cage looked up, interested and ready to learn more about how to be intimate with Bellamy.

"Would you like me to suck you off or fuck you?"

Cage's cheeks turned a rosy shade of red.

"I want all of it."

Bellamy smirked, and began pulling Cages pants away, leaving a thin pair of boxers behind. He could see Cages erection bulging.

He pressed his mouth to the thin fabric of his boxers, making sure to stoke his tongue against it as well.

Cage suppressed a moan, bucking his hips up to get more friction.

Bellamy removed his own jeans, along with both of their boxers, and positioned his mouth over Cage.

"How bad do you want this?"

Cage gulped.

"Really fucking bad Bellamy."

Bellamy licked a stripe up Cage, stopping at the tip to swirl his tongue around, collecting all the precum and swallowing.

"Be-Bellamy more. Please m-more."

Bellamy firmed his lips over Cage, licking and sucking, bobbing his head up and down and using his hand to touch the parts his mouth couldn't reach.

He moaned Bellamys name, arching his back slightly as he hit the back of Bellamy's throat.

Bellamy pulled away, leaning back up to leave marks all over Cages neck.

"I need you now Cage."

Bellamy slid one finger into his hole, watching as Cage closed his eyes shut tightly, then began getting used to it.

"Trust me, baby."

He opened his eyes, staring into Bellamy with his mouth partly open. Bellamy inserted another finger, watching as Cage got used to it.

"This is gonna hurt at first, but I promise I'll make it feel so good for you. Put your hand around yourself and start pumping slowly, trust me."

Cage did as he was told, waiting for Bellamy to enter him.

Bellamy pushed in, slowly and softly, watching Cages face for any sign of wanting to stop.

After a few seconds, Bellamy pulled back out and pushed back in.

Cage let out a small whimper, and Bellamy took his hand in his, helping him stroke himself.

Bellamy rested his arms beside Cages face, kissing him and he thrusted in and out of him, Cage moaning against his lips.

After a few minutes, Cage released onto both of their stomachs, moaning and rolling his eyes back.

Bellamy started pounding into him, chasing his high. Cage moaned at the overstimulation, biting onto Bellamy's shoulder as an attempt to keep quiet.

"Fuck i-it's so f-fucking good Bel-Bellamy."

Bellamy let out a quiet "fuck" and shuddered as he reached his high.

He pulled out, falling beside Cage, smiling at him, then looked at the clock.

"It's almost been an hour."

Cage reached for Bellamy's hand.

"If we never get to do anything like this again, just know I will happily take this secret to my grave, and I'll think about you everyday I'm still alive."

"And I'll do the same for you, Cage."

The two boys got dressed, saying goodbye before walking out of separate doors, holding secrets they would never share or forget.


This is my first boyxboy so it probably sucks
Thank you for reading ♥️♥️


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