More // Finn Collins (Smut)

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Part of my 1k special!

An imagine where Finn and Y/N both want to be more to each other than just one night stands, more than friends with benefits, but they don't know how to tell one another.


Y/N stood up and started to get dressed, watching as Finn sat on the bed, he was even perfect when he was doing nothing.

She pulled her shirt on and started to walk out, but Finn grabbed her hand.

"Be here at the same time again tomorrow night, every time you leave I seem to want you more."

Y/N nodded slowly, and began walking out.

The Next Morning

Y/N went the med tent with Clarke, she started trying to wipe the dried tears from last night away from her face.

"What's wrong Y/N? And don't say nothing, it's obvious you're upset about something. Is it Finn again?"


Y/N felt the tears starting to come back when Clarke hugged her.

"You've got to tell him, I know he feels the same about you. He talks to Bellamy about it all of the time."

"Clarke you don't understand, he just wants me for sex, he doesn't want any emotion with me, he doesn't have any love for me."

Clarke pulled away from the hug.

"You're wrong Y/N, so so wrong."

That Night

Y/N walked back to Finn's tent, the same time as every night.

She pushed the flap aside, and looked down.

Small flower petals were scattered around the floor, and candles were lit around the room.

Y/N felt someone touch her hips from behind and gasped.

"Shhh it's just me."

"Finn you scared me, what is all of this for?"

Finn turned Y/N around to where he was facing her and smiled.

"For you. For us. I.. I really like you Y/N. I don't want this to keep going like it has been, I want to show you what love is like, how great it could be, if that's what you want."

Y/N smiled slightly.

"I've always wanted more."

After she said those words, Finn pressed his mouth against hers, reaching his hands up to hold her cheeks to deepen the kiss.

She smiled into the kiss, wrapping her arms around Finn's neck and pulling him closer.

Finn started to walk, backing Y/N up until the back of her knees hit the bed, making her fall onto it.

Finn laid down on top of her, not breaking the kiss. He eventually flipped the two of them over so Y/N was on top.

Y/N pulled her shirt over her head, watching Finn's eyes widen at the sight of her. She reached down and pulled his shirt off as well.

She kissed his neck, trying her best to leave marks on him so everyone would know that he belonged to her now.

Finn let out a small moan when she found his sweet spot, and she sat there sucking and biting until there was a pool of purple and red among his skin.

Y/N moved down, kissing down his chest and stomach. She came to his pants, and tried to undo them. She didn't have much luck.

"Let me help."

Finn reached down, easily pulling his pants away. Y/N did the same to her own.

She looked at his bulge through his boxers, and he smirked.

"Like what you see?"

Y/N laughed softly and nodded.

"You'll like it better when everything is off."

Y/N pulled at his boxers, managing to get them off quicker than his pants. After they were off, Finn pulled hers away, watching as they joined the pile of discarded clothes on the floor.

Y/N looked into Finn's eyes, smiling when she saw how he looked at her with awe.

"I don't know how much longer I can be patient Y/N."

"I don't know how to start."

Finn smiled.

"I'll help."

Finn pulled Y/N's legs over him, one on each side of his waist. Positioning himself under her.

"This might hurt."

Y/N nodded, waiting for the pain to start, and slowly sat down on him.

Finn gave her time to get used to his size, and pulled her body back over him, then lowering her slowly onto him again.

Y/N let out a small whimper when he pulled away again.


Finn got a steady pace of pulling Y/N down on to him, and watched as she rolled her eyes back, moaning at how good he felt inside of her.

He started getting extremely needy, wanting more and more.

Finn picked Y/N up, and slammed into her from beneath.

He did this motion over and over again, moaning her name as he got closer to his high.

"Fuck Y/N, you feel so so good mmh."

"You feel am-amazing too F-Finn. I'm al-almost-"

"I know."

Finn pulled her down onto him a few more times, meeting her in the middle by thrusting up.

After a few more strokes, Y/N finished, Finn doing the same right after her.

Finn held Y/N as she fell onto his chest, then onto the bed beside him.

"Was this like every other time, Finn."

"No, this is more."


One more imagine after this and my 1k special is over

Thank you guys for requesting, and don't stop! Every request is appreciated and helps me write another imagine for you guys to enjoy!

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