Being Finns Girlfriend...

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Being Finn's girlfriend would consist of...

• Him always waking up before you
• Him waking you up super early, just because he wanted to go on adventures
• Always getting lost with him
• When he went out by himself, he would bring the most interesting things he found back to you
• Watching the stars together at night
• Falling asleep in his arms
• Him letting you have all of the blanket
• Anytime anyone would get in an argument with you, he would take your side
• He was so defensive if anyone said anything bad about you
• If you were hungry, you got more food
• He would bring you flowers every other day
• Soft kisses
• Those kisses turned into more
• Soft, loving sex
• He took care of you in every way possible, making sure you always got the most pleasure
• After, he would hold you close
• If you ever cried, he would hold you and play with your hair
• He wouldn't ever make you do things by yourself
• Everything you did, he would be proud
• If you two argued, he would always be the most upset
• He would always end up apologizing in the cutest ways
• Silent treatment when you wouldn't tell him what was wrong
• He always waited for you before he started any new adventures
• Him always brushing your hair in the morning
• You having to cover the love bites he left the night before
• Him freaking out when you're sick and automatically taking you to Clarke
• Never leaving your side while Clarke tries to help you
• Staying by your bedside, even when you tell him to go to his tent and sleep
• After Clarke lets you out, he still does everything for you for at least a week
• You and Raven becoming best friends, surprisingly
• Finn wondering about what the two of you talk about
• Raven telling you everything you don't know about him
• Him being jealous of Bellamy, especially when you got a job alongside him
• Him gating the fact that you have to go out by yourself now
• Him sneaking to go with you anyways
• The two of you getting caught making out in the top of the dropship
• You breaking out of mount weather, and Finn finally seeing you again
• ^ He made sure you knew how much he loved you that night
• You having to hold onto him for support walking the next morning
• Finding out that he was going with Clarke to Lincoln's village, and getting a terrible feeling about it
• Him finally listening to you and deciding not to go
• Clarke handled everything peacefully, but Bellamy went with her, and shot quite a few grounders
• Bellamy running away while they thought about sentencing him to death, then Finn making a deal with the grounders to let Bellamy go free
• Finn coming home to you every night after that, grateful that the two of you were still alive
• Reminding you every morning to be safe
• Him asking Bellamy and Clarke to keep him updated on how you are
• Getting stuck in the art bunker when acid fog came
• Watching shooting stars together while everything else was falling apart
• Raven being your second supporter
• When you weren't with Finn, Raven was always there
• Being extremely jealous of Clarke, and sometimes Raven
• Finn convincing you that there's nothing to worry about
• You leaving marks on him in places only the two of you could find
• Holding hands everywhere you went


This wasn't the best but I hope you guys liked it 😂♥️

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