First Time ~ Preference

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I have a little time to write something, so enjoy ♥️

Bellamy ~ Your first time with Bell was nothing short of amazing. He took care of you, but didn't leave any room for questioning that you were his. After you finished, he fell asleep with you, and when people found the two of you the next day they weren't even surprised. You weren't Bellamy's first, but you were the best he ever had.

Monty ~ He was gentle, soft, sweet, almost like he was scared to break you. He left no marks, he only kissed you. It was like every time his lips touched your skin, a worry was falling away. He asked before he did anything if it was what you wanted. You were his first as well.

Murphy ~ Murphy was rough, but careful. He wanted you to know you belonged to him, but he didn't want to hurt you. He made sure everything was perfect for you, and he definitely made sure you finished. He left marks all over your neck, and you left them all over his chest. Surprisingly, you were his first.

Finn ~ Finn was a soft, sensitive boy. The first time the two of you did anything was the same way. He giggled every time he messed up from being nervous, like when he kissed your ear instead of your neck. But he found out that was one of your favorite things. You weren't his first.

Jasper ~ Jasper was emotional, and you were always there for him. He made sure a soft song was playing in the background on his MP3. When you two started he tried not to hurt you in any way, and you told him when to slow down and speed up, you told him what you wanted when you wanted it. And that was absolutely fine with him. You weren't his first.

Octavia ~ Octavia liked being in control, your first time was the same way. She took care of you in every way possible, making sure you finished more than once, then asking you to help her. You were her first, and it was perfect.

Luna ~ Luna was used to having little true human connection, so when the two of you had your first time, it was brand new to her. You experimented with her, everything she wanted to try you let her. And eventually, when both of you finished, she understood what she wanted. The two of you went swimming afterwards. You were her first, and you would be her last.

Lexa ~ What started as a heated make-out session led to so much more. Neither of you knew it would get that far, but it did. Lexa and you both took control, and when she didn't finish you helped her. After, the two of you fell asleep together. You weren't her first.

Raven ~ Raven didn't know how to handle it in the beginning, she didn't know if what she was doing was right, but you assured her that she was doing wonderful, and she was. She asked before she did anything if it was okay with you, and you did the same for her. You wore her red jacket the next day, just so she could claim you as hers. You were her first.

Echo ~ Echo left marks everywhere her lips went. That was fine with you. She never let you take control, and she didn't let herself finish, she was only worried about you. A few stray marks of her face paint had marked your thighs, which didn't bother you at all. You weren't her first.

I know this one probably sucks, but it was a bit rushed, make sure to request!
You can private message me requests or just comment them, either way is perfectly fine with me :)
Thank you for reading ♥️

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