Chapter 2

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Maya's POV

Dinner was the same as the years before. Lucas and Topanga made the tacos and my mom made a pan of brownies. When I was little I used to try to always help Lucas make the tacos he usually let me help him. This year I didn't try I just sat there pretending to read a book.

We all sat down at the table in our normal spots and began eating. Topanga was the one who broke the silence.

"So Maya how was your homecoming this year?" Topanga asked, "I keep waiting for your mom to send me pictures.

She always asked me questions like she was basically my second mother.

"It was kinda lame," I said picking up a taco.

"I always loved going to my dances," Topanga said.

"You forced me to go to every single dance," Cory said.

Cory and Topanga were both high school sweethearts growing up. They dated from the time the were little and then got married.

"Dances always have lame music," Lucas said looking up at me for the first time that dinner.

"True," I said.

"Your mom still has to show me pictures," Topanga said.

"Hold on it's only the first day," my mom said taking a slip of her tea, "How is the college search going Lucas?"

"Pretty good," he said looking over towards my mom.

"I hope your looking at colleges in New York," my mom smiled.

Lucas was always the leader of the group because he was the oldest. He had just finished high school this year and was getting ready to leave for college late in October.

"Yes ma'am," Lucas said.

"Good," she smiled back to him.

I was always jealous of how close they were. Lucas always seemed to go to my mom for advice about something. She wasn't the only one who wanted Lucas to come to New York though.

"How is school coming along for you?" my mom asked looking over at Farkle.

"Oh you know senior year it's going to be awesome," Farkle yelled the last part.

"And what about you Riley?" my mom asked.

Riley and I were both going into our 2nd year of high school this year. She was more into her school work than I ever have been. With me it's all about the arts.

"Good," she smiled.

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