Chapter 21

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Maya's POV

"How many hamburgers should I make?" Corey yelled from the grill.

Summer was slowly winding down to an end. We were having our annual cookout. Even with all the tension between Corey and Topanga they were both outside with us.

They had been talking to each other but not in the ways they used to. I would wake up in the morning and they wouldn't be drinking coffee together. She would be drinking it with my mom.

"Just make them all," Topanga yelled.

"Alright," Corey shouted back.

My mom and Topanga were both sitting at the table drinking their tea. Corey was at the grill flipping burgers and hot dogs. I was in the pool with Lucas, Riley, Farkle, and Freddie.

"Why don't you guys get into the pool?" Lucas yelled.

"We are in the pool," Riley yelled back.

Riley was laying on a pool floaty and I was in an inner tube.

"Your barley in the water," Freddie moved over to where I was and kissed my lips.

"Maybe I don't want to get wet," I said.

"Since when do you not swim?" Farkle asked, "You always swim."

"I'm not feeling it right now," I said.

Farkle swam over to me and flipped by tube over knocking me under the water.

I came back up and the guys were laughing. Lucas had knocked Riley over too and she was in the water too.

"Funny," I jumped up on Farkle's back and he grabbed ahold of my legs.

"So Freddie your a senior right?" Farkle asked.

"Yup," Freddie laid back in the water.

"Ohhh Maya's into the older boys," Farkle said.

I blushed.

"Awww our Maya's getting so grown up," Riley smiled.

"I'm older than you," I said to Riley.

"Only by a couple months," Riley stuck her tongue out.

I heard this loud pitched voice yell, "Hello where is everyone?"

Lucas moved over to the ladder, "Yo over here."

The gate door opened and Maggie appeared. I rolled my eyes and Riley laughed. She looked to fancy for a cookout. The heels she had on must have been 6 inches tall and she was almost as tall as Lucas was.

"Hey everyone," Maggie yelled.

"Hey," Topanga and my mom yelled.

No one else said anything back because we all disliked her. I knew Freddie wouldn't even try to say anything he knew how mad I would have gotten.

"What is she doing her?" Farkle whispered to me.

"Who knows?" I whispered back.

"Foods ready," Corey yelled.

I jumped off of Farkle's back and waited for Freddie to catch up to me. He grabbed my hand and kiss my forehead.

Things were finally okay except for Maggie.

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