Chapter 7

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Maya's POV

Lucas drove Farkle, Riley, and I all to the party later that night. Riley and I had to promise we wouldn't do anything stupid and the boys had to promise to watch us.

"Wow there is a lot of people here," I said getting out of the car.

"Sure are," Riley said getting out too.

"Don't worry you guys it's just a party," Farkle said wrapping his arms around Riley and I.

"Just stay with me," Lucas said taking Farkle's arms off my shoulder.

We all walked into the party and saw a ton of people. There were guys walking around shirtless and girls walking around in swimsuits. I saw Farkle eyeing a couple of them up.

Farkle probably made out with every girl at this party expected for his sister. He had even kissed me once when we were little.


"Truth or dare," Lucas asked me.

"Dare," I said

"I dare you to kiss Farkle," Lucas smirked.

"Ewww no," I said.

"Chicken," Lucas yelled back.

"I'm not a chicken," I yelled.

"Then kiss Farkle," Lucas said.

"Fine," I yelled getting up.

I walked over to Farkle and kissed him one the lips. It was only for a few seconds but it was still my first kiss. I think I only kissed him because I wanted Lucas to see that I wasn't afraid to do anything.

End of flashback

Farkle and Riley had ran off somewhere and I was still standing with Lucas. I wasn't sure how to act around Lucas at the party so I just stood there drinking my lime soda.

"Are you having fun?" Lucas asked me.

"Loads," I said slipping my soda.

"Oh come on lighten up," he said.

I was going to tell him he's the one making me stay with him but then his friend Drake walked up to us.

"Lucas my man what's up?" he said.

"Nothing just chilling with Maya," Lucas said pointing to me.

I smiled.

"Why don't you guys stop standing over here and join me and everyone else for a game of Truth or Dare," Drake said.

"I'm in," I said.

"I'm liking you even more," Drake said grabbing my hand so he could pull me over to the group of people by the fire pit.

I looked back Lucas was following me over to the fire pit. Drake sat down on the right side of me and Lucas sat down on the left side of me.

"Who wants to start?" Drake asked.

"I do," Lucas said.

"Alright Lucas truth or dare?" Drake asked.

"Truth," Lucas said.

"Have you ever cheated on any of your girlfriends?" Drake asked.

"Nope," Lucas said.

Lucas wasn't the kid of guy who would cheat on his girlfriend. Farkle might if he got really drunk.

The game continued for round after round after. I got picked twice before I picked for the last time. My last dare was to kiss Drake.

Lucas looked surprised when I kissed him. He most have thought I wouldn't have done it. I didn't think I would do it either but I wanted to prove I had changed from the time I saw ten.

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