Chapter 18

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Maya's POV

Riley was laying on the beach applying sunblock for the million time. Lucas and Farkle were throwing a beach ball around to each other. It was perfect summer day.

"Do you realise summer is almost over and this is the first beach day we have spent together?" I said taking her sunblock.

"Hey," she yelled grabbing it back, "Your the one who is always busy."

"I know."

"Going out on dates with Freddie."

I blushed.

"I know it's just I want to spend all the time I can with him."

"Because he's hot."


Riley gives me a look.

"He is cute it's just I feel like what we have could be a real thing."

"Wow are you finally over my piggy older brothers?" Riley asked.

"I was never in love with your brothers," I said.

It wasn't a complete lie. I was never in love with Farkle just Lucas.

"And right and the sky is red," Riley could figure me out very well.

I was going to say something but I was interrupted by Farkle.

"Heads up," Farkle yelled.

He threw the ball to hard and it landed over by me and Riley. Nowhere close to Lucas.

I got up to get the call but Lucas got to it before me.

"I've got it," Lucas picked up the ball and brushed the sand off, "You were always bad at sports."

"Was not," I said crossing my arms.

"What are you like seven?" Lucas copied me and crossed his arms.

"Still four years old than you," I felt my cheeks getting red.

"You want to try and beat me go ahead and try."

"Bring it on," I grabbed the ball out of his hands.

"I won't have to bring much," Lucas smirked again.

"Now," Farkle stepped in between us, "Now let's not act like children."

"Tell him that," I said.

"Tell her that," Lucas said turning around walking towards Riley.

I threw the ball at his head and he stumbled forward a bit.

"You asked for this," Lucas yelled taking off.

I yelled a little bit and started running as fast as I could. Lucas ran track in high school and easily caught up to me.

I felt his hand touch my side and then both of his arms against my sides. What was he doing? He was trying to stop me. I stopped running and turned around.

"Okay you win," I was out of breath.

"I always win," Lucas said.

"Always," I looked up at the beach.

I couldn't see Riley or Farkle. We must have ran down the beach pretty far.

"So how are your-?" I was going to ask him about his parents but I was interrupted.

"Lucas," I heard a girl yell," Lucas."

When she gets closer to us it's easy to tell who she is. It's the girl from the party where I met Freddie.

"Lucas," she's almost over to us.

Lucas rolled his eyes. This must be a girl who doesn't understand no means no.

(Sorry this took so long Wattpad is acting up and I had to rewrite this two times)

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