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Newt and Tina had stayed on the roof until the fireworks slowed. Then they got to their feet and turned, walking away from the edge. Newt had placed his arm around Tina's shoulder and she had wrapped her arm around his waist. Queenie appeared in front of them suddenly and they jumped apart.

Queenie didn't didn't say anything to them. All she did was raise her eyebrows and give them a knowing grin. Then she grabbed them and Disapparated. All three of them went to bed immediately and woke up late the next morning.

Both Newt and Tina were very quiet the next day. They had kissed, they had kissed twice, and now they weren't sure what to do. Neither of them regretted it, neither of them thought the other regretted it, but neither of them understood what was happening. Queenie didn't try to push them and they spent the first day of the year glancing shyly at each other.

When Queenie went to bed that night, Tina took a seat next to Newt on the couch. She curled up against him and opened her book. He recognized the book as the one he had given her for Christmas. Then he opened his own book and they sat there in silence each reading their respective books.

Eventually, Tina fell asleep, her book lying open on her chest, moving up and down with every breath. A small smile formed on Newt's lips. He bookmarked both his book and Tina's. Then he pulled out his wand and sent the books to the table. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. She shifted slightly, mumbling something in her sleep. 

Newt carefully pushed her off him and got to his feet. Then he picked her up and carried her across the room. Her head rested on his shoulder, her hair tickling his jaw. He used his foot to push the doors to her room open and carefully stepped into the room. Queenie's gentle snoring was coming from the direction of her bed so Newt knew she was asleep. He slowly made his way over to Tina's bed are carefully laid her down on it. He gently tugged her covers out from under her. Then he pulled her slippers off her feet (she had changed into her pajamas before joining Newt on the couch) and pulled the blankets up to cover her.

The room was dark and all Newt could see was Tina's outline. He knelt down and pressed another kiss to her temple. She let out a gentle snore and Newt laughed quietly.

"I love you, Tina," he murmured. "I love you so much but I'm still too afraid to tell you while you're awake." 

He ran a finger along her cheek then got to his feet and left the room. He went back to his own room and quickly packed the few things that he had kept out of his case. His ship was leaving at 7:30 the next morning and he didn't want to worry about packing after he woke up. Then he changed and climbed into bed.

Newt and Tina walked hand in hand along the docks to his ship. They were still quiet, neither one sure what to say. When they reached the ship, they stopped and turned to each other. He offered her a small smile and she smiled back at him.

"I -- I'm going to miss you," Newt stammered.

"I'll miss you too," Tina replied. Unlike the last time he was leaving, she wasn't crying. It wasn't that she was happy to see him go, in fact, she was even more upset, but this time was different. This time, she knew he was coming back.

"Tina, I'll be coming back as soon as I can, if that's okay with you," he said awkwardly. "I'd really like to spend more time with you."

Tina laughed. "Of course, it's okay with me. We're dating, aren't we? What kind of a relationship would it be if we didn't want to see each other?"

The ship's horn sounded and Newt glanced behind him. Then he looked back at Tina. "I'll write to you when I get to London," he promised. 

She nodded and he pulled her into a hug. She hugged him back, breathing in his scent. He smelled of a mixture of outdoors and tea. She loved his smell and wanted to remember it forever. They pulled apart slowly and Newt turned to leave.

"Newt, wait," Tina called.

Newt stopped and turned to face her. She took a hesitant step forward. Then she threw her arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss. He kissed her back, slipping his free arm around her waist. They pulled apart a moment later.

"Bye, Newt," Tina murmured.

"Goodbye, Tina," he replied. He pressed another kiss to her lips. Then he turned and quickly made his way to the gangplank. He walked up it to the ship. Stopping at the entrance, he turned and waved to Tina. She smiled slightly and waved back. Then Newt disappeared into the ship.

Tina turned and slowly walked along the dock. She missed Newt already but she knew he'd be back. He had promised he would be and she knew he'd keep his promise.

A/N: Shorter chapter but it's done. I hope you enjoyed. Please vote and comment.

The school was playing capture the flag outside my house tonight. I'm unsociable and I don't live in the dorm so I didn't go outside and play. Technically, I'm supposed to . . . but I didn't. Anyway, they were really loud but they're done now. At least I didn't have a headache this year. Last year I had a really bad headache when they played capture the flag and all the noise made it worse.

So, I posted this on my profile but I'm just gonna repeat it here. Since I'm too lazy to rephrase it, I'm just gonna copy and paste:

I'm really bored right now. I know I should be writing one of my books, I've got a whole lot of them, but that requires being creative. I did come up with an idea that doesn't require being creative though and it's something I'd like to do. I was thinking I could make a book that doesn't have any new stories in it and is entirely scenes from either of the Fantastic Beasts movies. Obviously, all the dialogue will be from the movie but I think it would be fun to describe what's happening in the scene. It would also be good for me since I'm kinda bad at writing descriptions. Now, the question is, would anyone be interested in reading that?

What do you think?

Have a good day!


Written January 13, 2019.

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