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Dear Tina,

I arrived in London yesterday afternoon and my received my manuscript this morning. I would have written yesterday but I was too tired. The good news is, there isn't much work I have to do on the manuscript so I should be able to get it done quickly. 

I'll write to you more another time, this is just a quick note to let you know I arrived safely. I love you and I miss you very much.



Dear Newt,

I'm so sorry it took me so long write back to you but I'm literally drowning in an ocean of paperwork. I've only just found the time to sit down and write a letter. I really miss you too. I miss not being able to see you when I get home. I miss being close to you. I miss our kisses.

Queenie still hasn't been able to find Jacob. She won't admit it but she gets more upset every day. She misses him so much and I think that seeing us together only makes her more lonely. It really hurts to see her in so much pain. Especially since she tries to hide it.

Work is getting really stressful. There's so much paperwork. I am getting to go on a mission in a few days though so I won't be able to write while I am. 

I need to keep working.

I love you.



Dear Tina,

Since you didn't mention what date your mission starts, I don't know if this letter will reach you before you leave. If it does then please remember to be careful. I don't want anything happening to you. I don't know what I would do if you got hurt. I love you so much and I can't stand the thought of living without you.

For some reason, I haven't seemed to make much progress on my manuscript. I'm not sure why. I hope I start making more progress soon or I might not be able to return as quickly as I wanted to. 

The letter went on to describe several stories about Newt's creatures.

I just realized I've been rambling. I'm sorry.

I miss you, Tina. I love you, please stay safe.



Dear Newt,

I just received your letter and leaving for my mission in an hour. I can't write a lot though because I need to get ready to leave.

I don't mind when you talk about your creatures. Don't try to stop. I've got to go now. I promise I'll be careful. I'll write to you when I'm back. That should be in about a week. I love you and I miss you too.



Dear Newt,

I got back yesterday. I know it's later than I said but there were complications. The mission was a success in the end.

Then there was a detailed summary of what exactly she had done on the mission.

If only, I had the motivation to put so much detail in my report. Speaking of which, I should really be writing that right now. I love you and I told you I'd be safe. I miss you.



Dear Newt,

Tina won't tell you this but she came home with an injured shoulder and a long cut on her back. She's been healed but she's been given three days off work to recover, on top of the one day she gets off for having just gone on a mission. I don't think I need to tell you that she went to work today and will be tomorrow and the day after that. She won't listen to me and I'm afraid she's going to overwork herself. She's still in pain from the cut on her back but she won't admit it. Between that and the amount of time she spent at work today, she's exhausted and it's only going to get worse.



Dear Tina,

I'm glad you made it home in one piece but Queenie tells me that you were injured. I wish you would just tell me these things. What happened to you? How was your shoulder injured? How deep was the cut? Please just tell me because, if you don't, I'm going to ask Queenie and I know she'll tell me.

Queenie also told me that you've been going to work, even though you've got time off. Please, please don't overwork yourself. It's not healthy. You were given time to heal and you didn't take it. If you keep doing this, you're only going to hurt yourself. I don't want that to happen, Tina.

I'm nearly done with my manuscript. I've only got a few more pages to edit. I'll be purchasing a ticket soon, maybe tomorrow, and I'll be on my way to New York soon. I'm not sure exactly when I'll arrive. I'll tell you once I've found out.

I need to go feed my creatures.

I miss you, Tina. I love you so much, please take care of yourself.



Dear Newt,

Queenie had no right to tell you that I was injured. I wasn't hurt that badly. As I mentioned, we got into a bit of a fight at the end of the mission. Something hit my shoulder and dislocated it but it's fine. I don't know how deep the cut was. It was on my back. I don't remember exactly how I got it. If you don't believe me, you can ask Queenie and she'll tell you.

I'm not overworking myself but I do have a lot of work to do. My work is important and I have to get it done, even if it means not getting enough sleep. You should understand what it's like to have work that you might have to sacrifice your sleep for. When one of your creatures is sick then you'd be up all night taking care of it, wouldn't you? 

Queenie's calling me to eat supper so I need to go. I know I could just add more to this letter afterward but I've got things to do.

I love you Newt. I miss you and I can't wait to see you again.



Dear Tina,

I got my ticket this morning. I'll be arriving at 2:10 on the morning of 17 February. I know it's very early. Don't bother coming to pick me up. I'll just let myself in.

I know it's not Valentine's day yet but I'll be on the ship when it is and I won't be able to say this then so Happy Valentines Day. I love you, Tina. You're the first woman I've ever loved and I'm so happy to have you in my life. I'm so lucky to have you and I love everything about you. I love your smile, your eyes, your sense of humor; I even love how stubborn you are. You're a beautiful woman, even if you don't think you are, and I'm so glad I met you in New York, even if that meant being arrested.

I miss you, Tina. I can't wait to see you again.


A/N: I was lazy and I didn't feel like coming up with too many details to put in the letters. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed. Please vote and comment.

The next chapter will hopefully be better.

Have a good day!


Written January 18, 2019.

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