Receiving Letters

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Tina received a letter from Newt every day. She didn't know she felt about that. She knew it annoyed her. Newt was engaged to someone else now and she believed she had made it pretty clear that she wanted nothing to do with him when she didn't respond to his letters. She was also confused. She didn't understand why Newt was writing to her so often if he was engaged to Leta. She didn't know why he was so desperate to stay in contact with her. She also didn't understand why his letters had only gotten more frequent the longer she had gone without writing. But there was also another emotion, one she hated. She was happy that he wrote to her every day. She loved the thought that Newt was still thinking of her every day. She knew that, no matter what she told herself, no matter who Newt loved, she would always love him completely. She had given him her heart and it would always be that way.

Tina stared at the cream-colored envelope in her hands. It was sealed with blue wax as always and her address was written on the back with black ink. She was so tempted to open it. She was incredibly curious. She wanted to know what Newt was putting in these letters. But she didn't open it. 

Pulling out the box where she kept all of Newt's letters, she slipped the most recent one inside. There were dozens of letters in the box, most of them unopened. The last letter she had opened was the one she had received the day she had first seen the article.


Tina sighed and quickly put the box away. She moved to join her sister in the living room.

"What is it?"

"Your hair," Queenie replied.

Tina let out a frustrated groan. We're really going here again?

"Yes, Teen. I think you'll look nice."

"Queenie, I honestly don't care. What reason would I have for--"

"Achilles would like it," her sister interrupted.

Tina hesitated. She wasn't going to admit it, Queenie probably already knew anyway, but that argument didn't convince her. She didn't care what Achilles thought of her. She only cared what Newt thought.

"He'd like it too," Queenie said softly.

"Then I definitely don't want to do it," Tina snapped. It wasn't exactly true, it wasn't true at all, but she didn't want to admit it, even to herself.

"Come on, Tina," Queenie begged. "You'd look so much nicer and it doesn't have to be for anyone."

"What if I don't like it?"

"Then it will always grow back."

Tina sighed.

"Yes!" Queenie squealed before Tina could even respond. "Come on."

She pulled out a chair and motioned for her sister to sit down. Tina did so and Queenie began using magic to cut her hair. A few minutes later, she announced she was done.

"Go on, Teen, go look in the mirror."

Tina got to her feet and moved into their room. She took a deep breath and looked at herself in the mirror. Her reflection stared back at her but she looked different. Very different. Her hair was shorter, coming down only to her cheeks, and her forehead was covered by bangs. She had to admit, she looked good.

If only Newt could see me like this.

Queenie appeared behind her and she felt herself blush slightly.

"I'm glad to know you like it," Queenie smiled. "I told you you'd look good."

Tina was very self-conscious going to work the next morning. She felt like everyone was staring at her, even though she knew they worked. Keeping her head down, she quickly made her way to her office, beginning her paperwork immediately.

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