Chasing After Her

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Newt snatched his case off the floor and ran out of the house. He glanced along the street, just in time to see Tina round a corner. He hurried to catch up to her.

"Tina," he called. She glanced at him and started moving faster. "Please just listen to me," he begged.

"Mr. Scamander, I need to go talk to the Ministry," Tina snapped, crossing the street. She knew it wasn't true but she wanted to get away from Newt. She didn't understand why he was here. He hadn't been able to visit her in New York but he was here now and he wouldn't leave her alone. She didn't understand what he wanted from her. "And I know how you feel about Aurors."

"I may have been a bit strong in the way I expressed myself in that letter," Newt admitted.

"What was the exact phrase?" she interrupted. "A bunch of careerist hypocrites?"

"I'm sorry, but I can't admire people whose answer to everything they fear or misunderstand is kill it!" Newt explained. He wanted Tina to understand that this wasn't about her.

But she didn't.

"I'm an Auror, and I don't!" she said, frustrated. She had hoped he would at least say he hadn't meant it.

"Yes, I know. But that's because you've gone middle head," Newt said quickly.

Tina slowed to a stop and turned to face him. 

"Excuse me?" She wasn't sure how to react. What he said hadn't sounded like a good thing but, of course, this was Newt.

Newt looked down, embarrassed. "It's an expression derived from the three heads of a Runespoor," he explained, not meeting her gaze. "See the middle one is the visionary."

Tina crossed her arms and stared at Newt as he tried to explain.

"You see, every Auror in Europe wants Credence dead except you. You've gone middle head," Newt finished. He glanced up at her nervously.

Tina stared at the awkward man standing in front of her, fighting to keep the fond expression off her face. No matter how much she wanted to forget him, to move on and never look back, he made that impossible. Even when he hadn't been around, he was constantly on her mind. Now that he was here, he wasn't letting her go. She didn't understand why. He had moved on, why wasn't he letting her?

"Who else uses that expression, Mr. Scamander?" she asked. A hint of fondness had crept into her voice unbidden.

Newt glanced at her awkwardly. "I think it might just be me," he admitted.

A fond smile was forming on Tina's lips and she hated herself for it. She had to admit it, she loved the man in front of her. 

"Tina, please let me--" Newt broke off as something caught his gaze. 

Tina had also seen what Newt had. She turned slowly, her face falling. 

Great sheets of black silk were flying through the air. They crept slowly across the buildings, covering them entirely. The people in the streets continued walking, oblivious to what was happening but Newt noticed one person who had seen it. It was a young woman with vibrant red hair. 

Tina moved into the middle of the street. Newt started after her, dodging a car. He raised his arm as a sheet of black fabric flew over them.

"It's Grindelwald," Tina exclaimed. "He's calling his followers."

The sheets of fabric had covered nearly all of the city, giving it an eerie look, almost as if it was dead and ready to be buried.

"It's too late," she continued. "Grindelwald has come for Credence." She stared at Newt. "He might already have him," she finished, despair creeping into her voice.

"It's not too late," Newt assured her. "We can still get to him first."

He began moving out of the street. Tina followed after him.

"Where are you going?" she asked.

"The French Ministry of Magic."

Tina started. "That's the last place Credence would go!"

"There's a box hidden in the Ministry, Tina." Newt stopped and turned to face her. "It's a box that will tell us who Credence really is."

"A box?" Tina asked, shaking her head slightly. She was completely confused. "What are you talking about?"

"Trust me," Newt said, staring into her eyes. Then he turned and quickly started down the sidewalk.

Tina shook her head and hurried after him. She didn't know why she trusted him, he had already hurt her once, but she did. She trusted him with her life. Somehow, even though he had dumped her for Leta, he was here for her now, willingly helping her. She didn't understand it but, at least at the moment, she was happy for him to be here.

A/N: Kinda short and kinda shaky. I hope you enjoyed. Please vote and comment.

My friend is finally here! I'm so happy! She and her husband ate lunch at my house but I didn't eat with them because I had a French test . . . which I'm sure I failed. Anyway, they're coming to supper . . . probably.

Have a good day!


Written February 1, 2019.

Editing Note: For some reason, I always associate that red hair witch, the one the Auror kills later, with the name Madeleine. It's one of my middle names but for some reason, I think it suits her.

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