Back Again

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Newt woke up strangely excited. He lay in the dark, trying to figure out why. Then he remembered.

The ship arrives in New York today. I'm going to see Tina in a few hours.

He sat up and reached for his wand, using it to turn the lights on. Then he quickly changed into his usual clothes: brown pants and a clean, white shirt. He carefully folded up his pajamas and slipped them back into his case. Then he tugged on his mustard-colored vest and his jacket. He slipped his bowtie under the collar of his shirt and used magic to tie it. Then he snapped his case shut, checking to make sure it was still on the Muggle-Worthy setting, and pulled on his blue coat. Finally, he pulled on his shoes, tying the laces tightly.

Newt checked the room one last time. Satisfied that there was nothing left, he opened the door and stepped into the corridor. He made his way up to the dining hall and ordered himself a bite to eat. Then he took a seat on the deck and pulled out a book. He tried to read, but most of the time his mind had wandered to Tina.

I can't wait to see her again, he thought. She's so beautiful and I love her so much.

Time passed slowly but the ship finally reached the shore. Newt quickly descended the gangplank and made his way through customs. The customs officer asked to see his case so he set it on the counter. The man checked it then closed it, satisfied. Then he handed Newt's passport back and welcomed him to New York.

Newt nodded his thanks and took his case. He left the docks and found a quiet corner to Apparate from. It was the middle of the afternoon and Tina would be at work so he knew she couldn't come to meet him. He had been planning on going straight to the apartment but, as he prepared to Disapparate, he decided to surprise Tina. 

He Apparated to an alley near MACUSA. Then he quickly made his way to the building. He took the elevator down to her floor but he hesitated when he reached her office door.

Newt took a deep breath and stepped into the doorway. Tina was sitting in her chair, slumped over her desk. Her head rested on her arm which was stretched out on the desk. She was fast asleep. Papers were scattered across the desk, piled haphazardly on top of each other. A mug sat among the mess, half full of coffee.

A fond smile crept across Newt's face. He quietly moved around the desk, setting his case on the floor beside it. Then he leaned over her and gently pressed a kiss to her cheek. She mumbled something in her sleep and Newt thought he heard his name.

Resisting the urge to kiss her again, he rested his hand on her shoulder and gently shook her. Her eyes fluttered open and she blinked up at him sleepily. Then she seemed to register who he was. She jumped and scrambled to her feet.

"Newt," she breathed. 

Newt let out a laugh. Tina was standing in front of him, looking startled. There was an ink stain on one side of her nose and her hair was slightly disheveled. Then she had jumped forward and he pulled her into a hug. He held her tightly, breathing in her sent. At the moment she smelled like parchment, ink, and coffee but there was another smell, a smell that was distinctly Tina.

Tina was also breathing in Newt's scent. She buried her nose in Newt's shirt. This time, his smell was mingled with the smell of the sea.

"You smell like the ocean," she mumbled.

Newt chuckled. "I just got off a boat. I've been on the ocean for the last five days."

They pulled away and stared into each other's eyes. Newt reached up and ran his finger over the side of Tina's nose, wiping away the ink stain. Then she stepped forward again and pressed her lips to his. He sighed happily into the kiss, letting his arms settle around her waist and pulling her closer to him. She responded by slipping her arms around his neck, one hand making its way to the back of his head, running her fingers through his short hair. They kissed slowly, both of them still adapting to the feeling of someone's lips against theirs.

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