Calm in the Storm

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Tina pulled the door to Newt's shed open, a worried expression etched onto her face. 

"Where's Newt?" Leta asked when she entered.

"He's using the Zouwu to get us out of here," she explained. "I'm not sure how but . . ." she trailed off, staring up at the top of the ladder.

"You're Tina, aren't you?" 

Tina started. "How do you know?"

"Well, you're American and Newt was looking at you in a way I've never seen him look at anyone. He was always talking about you. He was miserable because you weren't replying. You really broke his heart."

A faint blush appeared on Tina's cheeks. "I know. But we've worked things out, I think. There was just a misunderstanding on my part."

"What kind of misunderstanding?" Leta asked.

Tina's blush deepened. "It was about you actually."


"Yes, there was a magazine," Tina explained. "It said Newt was marrying you and I believed it. I shouldn't have but I did." She grinned sheepishly. "I reacted pretty stupidly, now that I think about it. I could have just written to him to ask what was going on or read the letters he was sending me and I would have figured things out. Instead, I ruined both our lives."

A look of understanding formed on Leta's face. "I see, but I'm marrying Newt's brother."

"Yes, I know," Tina smiled. "Newt told me."

Leta paused. "How do you know who I am?"

"Newt had a picture of you in here when I first met him. It's probably still here, actually." Tina turned back to the door, quickly spotting the worn leather frame that held Leta's picture. "Here it is."

Leta moved over to look. 

"Oh, I didn't know he kept that," she murmured.

A slight movement on the shelf above caught Tina's eye. She glanced up and let out a quiet laugh of surprise. There, on the shelf where it had been the last time Tina had been down there, was a silver frame with a picture of her inside it. She reached up and picked up the frame.

"He still has this!" she exclaimed. Then she blushed. "I mean, I shouldn't be surprised. I still have pictures of him and I kept everything he gave me, even though I was so mad at him."

"Newt told me you two were close," Leta said. "But he didn't mention how close you were. Are you in a relationship?"

Tina blushed again and carefully replaced the picture. "I -- I'm not sure. I think we're definitely in some kind of a relationship but we haven't really had time to discuss what kind of a relationship we're in at the moment. You kind of interrupted us."

Leta let out a soft laugh. "I'm sorry."

Tina wandered over to the ladder, staring up at the closed lid. She was nervous. She didn't like not knowing what was happening.

"I'm sure Newt's going to be fine, Miss Goldstein."

"I know," Tina sighed. "And you can just call me Tina," she added. 

"In that case, call me Leta."

Tina offered Leta a small smile and moved back to look at the picture on the shelf. Just then, the lid of the case opened and she could hear Newt mumbling something above them. She scrambled for the Zouwu's toy as Leta climbed the ladder. Then she climbed up herself.

As she reached the top, Leta offered a hand to help her climb out. She took it, offering the older woman another small smile. She turned to see the Zouwu hugging Newt who was struggling to get the large beast under control. She held up the toy and the creature stared at it, mesmerized. As she gave the toy a gentle shake, Newt petted the creature's leg. Then he motioned for Tina to drop the toy in the case. She did so and the Zouwu dived in after it, the case snapping shut behind her.

Newt moved forward quickly, pulling Tina into a hug. "Thank you," he murmured.

A content smile crept onto Tina's face as she returned the hug. "You're welcome."

Leta cleared her throat. "I know you two need time to catch up and figure out your love life but we do need to find my family tree as quickly as possible," she said apologetically.

"Give me one moment, Leta," Newt requested. He looked at Tina. "I just have one thing I need to do."

Leta nodded. Newt slipped his fingers under the collar of Tina's shirt, grasping the thicker chain that hid there. Then he began to pull the necklace out of her shirt. She bowed her head slightly so he could pull it over her head.

"Tina," he murmured. "I don't know what's going to happen so I want us to discuss this now." He fumbled with the clasp of the necklace. "I want you to know that I still love you with my whole heart and I still want to spend the rest of my life with you." He finally got the clasp open and slid the ring off the chain. Tina took the chain from him and pocketed it. "I understand if you've decided you don't want me anymore but I just want you to know that I still want to marry you."

Tina laughed softly. "Newt, of course I still want to marry you," she replied quietly. "I could never dream of marrying anyone else. I don't think I could live without you. These last few months were the worst time of my life."

"Do you mean that?" Newt asked.

"Of course I do, Newt. Just put the ring on my finger," she said teasingly.

Newt's face broke into a smile. Taking Tina's left hand in his, he gently slipped the ring on her ring finger, back where it belonged. She flung her arms around his neck and pulled him into a deep kiss.

"I love you," she murmured. Then she noticed Leta watching them. A blush formed on her cheeks.

"So, have you figured out what your relationship is?" she asked.

"Yes, I think so," Tina laughed.

"It seems we're still engaged," Newt offered.

Leta raised her eyebrows. "Still? You mean you were before?"

Newt and Tina both nodded.

"Well, congratulations!" she exclaimed. "But we might want to--"

"Right," Newt said. After pressing a brief kiss to Tina's lips, he released her and grabbed his case off the ground. Then he took Tina's hand and they all started towards the Lestrange family tomb.

A/N: So, I managed to finish a chapter today and not my homework. I hope you enjoyed. Please vote and comment.

I spent most of my day hiking a mountain and then quite a lot of it in traffic. At least I was with my friend.

I need to go to bed now.

Have a good day!


Written February 3, 2019.

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