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Newt quickly finished his breakfast and went down into his basement. He quickly began feeding his creatures and was joined by Bunty a few minutes later. When they were done, he went back up to his room and changed into a clean shirt. He put on his waistcoat and jacket. Then he quickly slipped his bowtie around his neck, tying it with magic.

He glanced at his reflection in the mirror. He let out a sigh and ran his hands through his hair, trying to smooth it down slightly. Finally satisfied, he made his way back downstairs and pulled on his coat. He left his house and made his way to a quiet corner where he Apparated to Diagon Alley. He made his way along the street until he reached his destination: Obscurus Books.

Newt entered the building and made his way to the office he was pointed to. The man inside stood up from his seat behind his desk.

"Ah, Scamander, thank you for coming." He moved around the desk and shook Newt's hand. 

"Hello, Mr. Worme," Newt responded.

Agustus Worme returned to his seat and motioned for Newt to sit. 

"This arrived yesterday and I thought you might like to take a look at it." He handed Newt a small package. 

Newt carefully pushed the paper away to reveal a beautiful book. Its blue cover was decorated with a gold pattern and the title and his name were written in gold. He gasped softly and turned the book over in his hands. Opening the book, he gently flipped through the pages, occasionally reading an entry. Each of the entries was accompanied by one of his shaky sketches. He flipped to the dedication page. Everything was there, including his message to Tina.

He ran his finger over her name.

"Who is this woman you've dedicated your book too?" Worme asked.

Newt felt himself blush. "She's a friend of mine."

Worme laughed. "No, I'm talking about the one you said you loved."

"I do love her," Newt replied, blushing even harder.

"Does she know?"

"Yes," Newt smiled. "Yes, she does."

"Well," Worme went on. "What do you think of the book?"

"It's beautiful. I love this."

"Excellent. I'll give the go-ahead for printing the rest of them."

"You mean this is the only copy that exists right now?" Newt asked.

"Yes, it is and it's yours to keep," Worme replied.

"Thank you." Newt got to his feet

"I'm sure your book will be a great success Scamander. I suggest you continue your research. We might need you to create further editions in the future."

Newt sat with his book in his hands. He couldn't believe it. He had been working on this book for the last several years and it was finally here. It was beautiful.

This is the first copy, he realized, tracing the pattern with a finger. This book is special . . . and it belongs to a very special woman, he decided. He carefully wrapped the book up and set it in his drawer. Then he pulled out a sheet of paper and reached for his quill.

Dear Tina,

I received the first copy of my book today. It's absolutely beautiful. The rest will be printed soon. I can't wait to bring this book to you. More importantly, I can't wait to see you again. I miss you so much. I love you, Tina.


Newt started at the sound of his assistant's voice. He set his quill down and went down into his basement. Bunty was finishing up with one of the creatures. She looked up when he appeared.

"You need to feed the Kelpie."

Newt sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He wanted to finish his letter but Bunty was right, the Kelpie needed food. He had already taken off his jacket and waistcoat so he quickly made his way over to the lake. Bunty followed him, snatching the bucket of feed.

"Be careful, Newt," she said as he prepared to dive in. He glanced at her curiously.

"I'm always careful," he said, rolling up his sleeves.

"Do you really think you should go in with your shirt?"

"I always do, Bunty," he replied. Unless I'm alone, sometimes. Why does she always suggest that?

Newt jumped into the water and swam down until he saw the Kelpie coming towards him. He stopped moving, letting the large creature knock him around a bit before grabbing on and quickly gaining control over the beast. He maneuvered it up to the surface where he climbed off and kept the Kelpie from leaving as Bunty fed him.

"So, how's your book coming along? You got a copy today, right?" she asked when they let the Kelpie go.

"Yes, they're going to be printed now. They'll be in stores in a couple of days. Then I've got a book signing on the 19th," Newt explained.

"And will you be leaving the country again?"

"Uh -- Yes," he admitted. "I'll be leaving and I don't know how long I'll be gone. I'll probably be moving."


"Yes. It may take a while to move completely because of all this," he said, gesturing to the basement around him.

"Why are you moving? Where are you moving?" Bunty asked.

"I'm not sure if I'm actually moving," Newt said, unwilling to explain it to her. He blushed slightly and quickly excused himself, hurrying back upstairs to finish his letter.

A/N: Still kinda short but I don't care. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Please vote and comment.

I had this title in my table of contents for ages and every time I saw it I thought the chapter was published and it freaked me out. Anyway, the chapter 'Published' has finally been published. . . . Sorry. I'm stupid.

Have a good day!


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