Leaving New York

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Tina woke up earlier than usual. Queenie was still asleep. Tina made her way to the bathroom and quickly took a shower. By the time she was out, Queenie was up and cooking breakfast. She set the food on the table and indicated that Tina eat. As she did, her sister vanished into the bathroom.

When Tina finished her breakfast, there was a tap on the door. She made her way over to it and opened it to reveal Achilles. She scowled at him but she let him enter the apartment before Mrs. Esposito could see him.

"What do you want?" she asked.

"I came to apologize," Achilles replied, looking at her imploringly. "I've told you that I didn't mean for that to happen, I promise. I don't have any excuse and I'm really sorry."

Tina let out a sigh. She wanted to push him away. This would be the perfect excuse to get rid of him. Maybe it's just best for me not to get attached to anyone. Then I can't get hurt when they leave me because they're all just gonna leave me. 

But Tina couldn't do it. Even though she didn't love Achilles, she was fond of him and didn't want to break his heart.

"I forgive you," she said.

Achilles's face broke into a smile. "Oh, thank goodness," he breathed. He pulled her into a hug and pressed a kiss to her lips. She returned it and they broke apart a few minutes later. 

"Are you really leaving today?" Achilles asked.

Tina nodded. "Yes, I leave in about ten minutes."

"Can I walk you to the dock?"

"Uh--" Tina hesitated. She didn't want to say yes. The thought of walking along that dock with Achilles, the same dock that she had walked along with Newt, seemed wrong. "I'd rather go alone."

"Oh, okay then." He looked disappointed but he didn't argue. "I suppose I should go now."

Tina nodded as she pulled on her coat. It was the coat Queenie had given her. She hadn't worn it before but she wanted to wear it now.

"Maybe that'd be best," she agreed.

Achilles pulled Tina back into a hug. He kissed her passionately. She returned the kiss, running her fingers through his hair. His arms slid around her waist, pulling her closer. She moved her second hand to his back, clutching his coat. The kiss lasted for a few minutes before they had to break apart.

"I'm going to miss you, Tina," Achilles said.

Tina managed to fake a smile and nodded in response. "Goodbye, Achilles," she replied. He kissed her again and left the apartment. 

Tina sighed and moved into her room. She was surprised to see a small box and a folded slip of parchment on her bed. Slowly reaching towards them, she took the paper and opened it.

Dear Tina,

I know we're still both upset at each other but, no matter what happens, no matter how we feel about each other, we'll always be sisters. Nothing can change that. I know I'm going to miss you once you've left.

I got you something that I think you'll find useful. It solves the problem you were having yesterday before you went to bed. I think you'll understand what to do with it.

I do love you and I'll miss you.

Always your sister,

Tina felt a sad smile creep onto her lips. A few tears blurred her vision. After swiping at her eyes, she reached down and picked up the box. She lifted the lid.

The only thing inside it was a long silver chain. She pulled it out and looked at it. There was nothing hanging from it. She glanced at it curiously, unsure what it was for. She read through the letter again.

What problem was I having last night?

"Oh," she murmured. She quickly moved over to her dresser and pulled out her jewelry box. She opened it and took out the ring. Then she unclasped the chain and slid the ring onto it, clasping it around her neck. She carefully tucked the ring under her shirt where no one could see it and where it would be safe.

She tucked the note into her pocket and quickly found a small piece of paper. She grabbed a quill and scribbled a quick message.

Dear Queenie,

Thank you very much for the chain. I'm going to miss you too. Please take care of yourself and don't do anything rash. I love you.

Your sister,

She folded the paper and set it on Queenie's pillow. Then she left the apartment and made her way to a corner where she Apparated to the docks.

A/N: I was gonna keep writing but I realized I had nothing else to say. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Please vote and comment.

In case it's not obvious, I didn't clean my room. It's almost time for Sundown Worship. I gotta go. Then I need to clean my room tonight . . . hopefully. Maybe I'll watch something while I do it.

Have a good day!


Written January 26, 2019.

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