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Tina looked around her office. It was the day before she was leaving but she wasn't going to be going back to the office the next day. She wanted to make sure she had everything she needed. She moved around to look at the bookshelves, trying to see if there was anything useful. When she had decided that there wasn't, she moved back to her desk and started checking in all the drawers.

She pulled out a narrow, cardboard box that sat in one of the drawers and opened it. Then she reached for her quill and gently laid it inside. She put the lid back on the box and set it with the things she was going to take. 

Letting out a long sigh, she left her office in search of Achilles. He wasn't in his office. Maybe he's in Pace's office, she thought with a frown. Jeanette Pace was an Auror with the reputation of being the most beautiful woman in that Department. She was the one who they chose to get information from a man as she could use her charms to make any man reveal anything. Tina, on the other hand, had the reputation of being one of the most dangerous Aurors, someone that nobody wanted to cross. Unfortunately, she also hadn't managed to shake her reputation of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. And this was definitely one of those times.

Tina entered Pace's office to find her and Achilles behind her desk, their arms wrapped tightly around each other, their lips connected in a passionate kiss. She let out a gasp, dropping the book she was holding. The sound of its hard cover hitting the ground startled the pair who jumped apart.

"Tina!" Achilles gasped. He rushed around the desk but Tina had scooped up her book and ran down the hall. When she reached her office, she dumped the book on her desk, quickly scooping up the box and turning to leave. She almost bumped into Achilles.

"Tina, wait," he said. "It's not what you think."

"I think it is," Tina growled, pushing past him. He followed her out of her office and she locked to door behind them. Then she started down the hall, walking quickly.

"No, Tina, please listen," Achilles begged.

Tina stopped, not turning to face him. "What?"

"I swear it was an accident. I didn't mean for that to happen."

Tina spun around. "How in Merlin's name could that have been an accident?" she demanded, wincing at her own use of a British term. "You were in her office!"

"She asked me to help her with something. I didn't know she was going to start kissing me!" Achilles assured her.

"How am I supposed to believe that when I've seen you staring at her during meetings?" Tina demanded.

"How can I not stare at her?" Achilles asked. "I mean, she's a beautiful woman!"

"Oh, so now she's a beautiful woman," Tina said sarcastically. "You've never called me beautiful, or even pretty."

"Well, you are," Achilles said. Tina rolled her eyes. "Besides, I'm not the only one who stares at her. Even Parker stares at her and he's engaged."

"I don't care what Parker does," Tina went on. "Parker's not my boyfriend!" She turned and started walking away quickly. 

"Tina, wait, listen," Achilles called. "Tina, please."

Tina ignored him. She hurried into the elevator, the door sliding shut before Achilles could reach it. The elevator flew upwards, stopping at the entrance to MACUSA. She quickly left the building, finding a corner where she could Disapparate.

Why does nobody love me? she wondered as she made her way along the street to her apartment. Am I that worthless?

Queenie was in the kitchen when Tina entered the apartment. It was the first time the sisters had been in the same room while both of them were awake in weeks. Tina realized how strange their relationship had become. It was almost as if they each lived alone, even though they shared a bedroom. 

Queenie muttered something about food and where Tina could find it before quickly vanishing into the bathroom. Tina moved into their room and set down her box. She quickly began sorting through it. Pulling out her suitcase, she finished packing her things. 

Tina knelt on the ground and pulled a box out from under her bed. She stared at it. She wasn't sure why she wanted to bring it, she had no intention of reading the letters. Finally making up her mind, she pointed her wand at the box. She shrunk it a few inches so that it would take up less space before slipping it into her suitcase.

When she had finished packing, she set her suitcase at the end of her bed and went to eat supper. She ate quickly, washed her dishes, and returned to her room. She pulled out her jewelry box and sat on her bed, setting it in front of her. Letting out a long, shaky breath, she slowly reached forward to open it. Then she hesitated. She hadn't opened that box since she had taken off her ring and put it inside. She hadn't had any reason to open it. The only jewelry she wore was the thin gold chain she had on and she never took it off, not even to sleep.

Tina took a deep breath and lifted the lid of the box. There were a few necklaces and bracelets coiled in the bottom. Her engagement ring sat in the center of it all. She reached out shakily and picked it up. She didn't know why, but she didn't want to leave it behind. She wanted to wear it but she knew that would have been inappropriate. Letting out a sigh, she put the ring back in the box and put the box away.

I'll figure out what to do tomorrow. Now I just need to sleep.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed. Please vote and comment.

I'd like to write the next chapter but I kinda need to clean my room. I've got my new bookshelf and that was my only excuse for not cleaning my closet.

Anyway, have a good day!


Written January 26, 2019.

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