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"Teen doesn't have to go to work today, Newt," Queenie said as she set breakfast on the table. "She's got the day off.'

"Queenie," Tina groaned. "I was going to go anyway. I've been so focused on one thing recently that I've been neglecting the rest of my work."

"I know you brought the work home," Queenie said. "If you absolutely have to get it done, you can work on it here . . . if Newt will let you."

Tina rolled her eyes and Queenie gave Newt a look that clearly meant that he shouldn't let her work. He nodded to show he understood. They ate breakfast, slowly. Then Queenie left for work. Tina pulled out several files and spread them on the table, determined to get some work done. However, a few moments later Newt came up behind her and gently took her quill from her hand.

"Newt," she groaned. "Give me my quill, please. I've got work to do."

"No way," he replied. He was leaning over her, his face inches from her ear. "I promised Queenie you'd relax today and that you wouldn't do any work."

"I hate you two so much right now," Tina said, suppressing a laugh.

"Do you?" Newt challenged. He pulled Tina out of her chair and into a tight hug dropping her quill on the table.

"Yes," she laughed.

"Really?" Newt said. Leaning forward, he captured her lips with his. They had kissed many times before, usually very slowly and shyly. Their kisses had gotten more confident recently as they had gotten more comfortable with each other. However, they had never shared a kiss like this before. 

Newt moved one hand up to Tina's head, tangling his fingers in her silky hair. His other hand settled on the small of her back, pulling her closer to him. He tilted her head slightly and deepened the kiss. When Tina had recovered from her surprise, she wrapped her own arms around his neck. She melted into the kiss, letting Newt pull her even closer to him then she had ever been. Kissing him felt wonderful. She had never kissed anyone before Newt but she suspected that, if she kissed anyone else, it would never feel like this.

They kissed for several minutes before they had to break apart, gasping for air. They rested their foreheads against each other's, waiting for their breathing to steady. 

"Do you still hate me?" Newt asked with a smirk.

"No," Tina admitted. "I don't."

"That's good," Newt said. "Because I love you."

"I love you too," she breathed. 

They pulled apart and Newt leaned against the table. "So, what do you want to do today?" he asked.

Tina sat back down in her chair. "I'd like to work," she started.

"That's not an option."

"I know," she sighed. "You're impossible."

"I'm not the one trying to work on my day off," he said. "Why don't we go for a walk?"

"Sure, why not?" she said. 

They pulled on their coats and left the apartment. Then they began walking arm in arm through the streets of New York. They talked quietly and Tina took the opportunity to show Newt more of the city. Eventually, they decided that they were too cold to continue so they slipped into a nearby café and ordered drinks. They got Tina's coffee and Newt's tea and took a seat in a corner. There was a bench along the wall, wrapping the corner. They both sat on the bench, one on each side of the corner. They were facing each other slightly, their knees touching. 

Tina took her steaming mug in her hands and sipped at the warm, bitter liquid. She liked it black, with no milk or sugar. She watched as Newt put cream and sugar in his tea, stirring it thoughtfully. Then he picked the cup up and sipped at it.

"I think prefer Queenie's tea," he said. 

Tina laughed. "At least this is better than mine."

Newt took another sip, a thoughtful look on his face. "No, I like yours better too. Your tea is really good as well. You've learned how to make a very good cup of tea since I first came to visit."

Tina blushed slightly and took another sip of her coffee. She watched as Newt sipped his tea.

"We're so different," she laughed. "I like coffee you like tea. I don't like milk and sugar in my coffee, you like it in your tea."

"And I love everything about you," Newt mumbled, hiding his face in his cup.

Tina laughed and took another sip of her coffee. Then she set down her mug and stared out the window. "I love you too, Newt."

They finished their drinks and left the café, finding a hidden corner to Apparate from. When then entered the apartment, Tina saw an envelope in front of the door. She picked it up and turned it over, trying to see who it was for. It was addressed to Newt. 

"There's a letter for you, Newt," she said.

Newt hung up his coat and took the letter from her. She pulled off her own coat, watching as Newt opened the envelope.

"Who's it from?" she asked.

Newt scanned the contents of the letter. "Uh -- the publishing company. They want to know if I'm putting a dedication in my book."

"Are you?"

"Yes, but I need to write it."

"Who are you dedicating it to?" Tina asked.

Newt grinned at her. "You'll see." He turned and vanished into his room. He came out a few moments later with a clean sheet of parchment and a quill. He sat down at the table and began writing. Tina took a seat across from him and tried to read what he was writing.

"Hey," he called, laughing slightly. "Don't you dare." He covered the paper with his arm and continued writing, glancing up playfully to see if she was still watching him. She was.

Tina leaned back in her chair, watching as Newt wrote. He finally set down his quill and picked up the parchment, reading through it to make sure there were no mistakes.

"How come I'm not allowed to work today but you are?" Tina demanded.

"Because I haven't been working myself to death the last few days," Newt said. 

He ran his gaze over the paper again before handing it to her. She took it and read it.

This book is dedicated to four people. 

Bunty, for all the help she gave me with my creatures while I was traveling to research my book. I wouldn't have been able to travel so freely without you. 

Jacob, for being a great friend and for helping me while in New York. I hope you're able to fulfill your dreams of owning a bakery and I wish you could remember us.

Queenie, for understanding me and supporting me as I struggled to make new friends. You're the only person who really knows who I am as you know me better than I do.

And finally, to Tina, without whom none of this would exist. You've captivated my attention in ways nothing else has. We went through so much together in only our first two days of knowing each other. You gave me the title for this book, even though you didn't know I needed one. I wish we didn't live so far apart because I could spend every second of my life with you if I had the chance. I love you so much and I hope you never doubt that.

Tina looked up at Newt. He was watching her carefully, a faint blush on his cheeks.

"You're actually putting this in your book?" she asked.

Newt nodded shyly. Tina got to her feet and quickly made her way around the table. She dragged Newt to his feet and pressed a kiss to his lips.

"I love you so much, Newt," she breathed. She reached across the table for the paper and read it again. "What do you mean, I gave you the title for your book?"

"I didn't have a title yet and you called it Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. That's the perfect name," Newt explained. "I hope you don't mind."

Tina shook her head.

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