Finally Together

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Newt took a deep breath to calm himself. He knew Tina couldn't have gone far. Gripping the handle of his case tighter, he turned to the left. The corridor to the right stretched a long way and he was certain that he would have still been able to see her if she had gone that way. However, on the left, it came to a wall only a few meters away and split in two directions. He glanced to his right.

Tina was sitting on a stone bench, her back to him. She had taken off her coat and draped it over the bench beside her. She was facing a window, staring out across the mountains.

A small smile tugged on Newt's lips as he approached her.

"You shouldn't wander the halls of Hogwarts on your own," he scolded fondly. "You might get lost."

Tina turned and offered him a small smile. "I only went a short distance from the classroom."

"You could still get lost. You don't know Hogwarts at all. Even the professors who have been here the longest can still find it tricky to take the fastest route to get to their destination," he told her.

"Well, I knew you'd come after me so I didn't think it would be a problem."

Newt offered her a small smile. "I was afraid you might have wanted to be alone."

"I do want to be alone," Tina replied. "I want to be alone with you."

Newt chuckled and she patted the bench beside her. He moved over and set his case on the floor beside it. Then he tugged off his coat, laying it on top of Tina's, before taking a seat beside her. She fingered the heavy grey material.

"You got a new coat," she observed.

"Yes, the other one was getting a bit worn out," Newt explained. "I still have it though. It's in my shed at home."

"I liked the old coat, but I like this one too," Tina murmured.

Newt slipped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer. She looked up and he leaned down to press a gentle kiss to her lips. She turned slightly, slipping her arms around his neck. They kissed slowly, enjoying the feeling of being together.

Tina melted into the kiss. She had almost forgotten just how wonderful it was to kiss Newt. It was the most amazing feeling in the world. She had missed it so much. Even this gentle kiss was mindblowing. It was a thousand times more wonderful than any kiss she had ever shared with Achilles.

She gasped and pulled away.

"Newt!" she breathed.

"What's wrong?" he asked gently, startled by the horrified look on her face.

"Newt, I cheated on you!" she gasped. "I was dating Achilles!"

Newt's expression didn't change much. The only change was the faint line that appeared on his forehead. Tina recognized it as a sign of him sinking into thought.

"I know, Tina," he murmured. "I know about Tolliver. Qu-- Queenie told me."

"She did?"

Newt nodded. "Listen, if you want to go back to Tolliver, I won't stop you but--" He broke off because Tina had started laughing.

"Oh, Newt," she giggled. "Sometimes you're just so dense."

Newt frowned slightly. She leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Newt's cheek. 

"I'm never going to leave you, Newt. I don't love Tolliver. I never really did. It was just a desperate attempt to forget you and it didn't work, believe me. I owe Tolliver an apology but I'm sure it'll be fine." She pressed a brief kiss to his lips. "I agreed to marry you because I really want to. I love you, Newt."

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