Stories and Speeches

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Newt and Tina followed Leta into the mausoleum, walking hand in hand. Tina pulled out her wand but Newt didn't let go of her hand. They heard shouts from a space behind the wall. Leta quickly moved to see what was happening. Newt and Tina slowly followed after her.

Kama was staring at Leta, a shocked expression on his face. Behind him stood the Maledictus and behind her was . . .


Tina was suddenly hopeful. Maybe my mission won't be a complete disaster.

Jacob stood behind Credence, lurking in the shadows.

"My little sister?" Kama breathed. He took a slow step towards her.

"So he's your brother?" Credence asked. "Who am I?"

"I don't know," Leta responded, shaking her head slightly.

Credence groaned. "I'm tired of living with no name, no history." He turned to Kama. "Just tell me my story. Then you can end it."

"Your story is our story," Kama replied. He turned to look at Leta. "Our story," he repeated.

Leta just shook her head. "No, Yusuf."

Kama moved into the main part of the tomb. Everyone followed him slowly. Newt glanced at Tina and gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. She squeezed his hand back and nodded slightly. Then Kama began to speak.

"My father was Mustafa Kama," he declared. "Pureblood of Senegalese descent, and most accomplished. My mother, Laurena, was equally high bred, and noted beauty. They were deeply in love. A new man of great influence from a famous French pureblood family, he desired her.

"Lestrange used the Imperius curse to seduce and abduct her. I tried to prevent it but he attacked me. It was the last time I ever saw her. She died giving birth to a little girl." He turned to face Leta. "You.

"The news of her death drove my father insane. With his dying breath, my father charged me to seek revenge: kill the person Lestrange loves best in the world.

"I thought, at first, it'd be easy. He had only one close relative," he turned back to Leta. "You, but--" He broke off.

Leta stared at him defiantly. "Say it!" she insisted.

"He never loved you," Kama finished. "He remarried three months after her death. He loved her no more than he had loved you. But then his son Corvus was born at last and that man who had never felt love was filled with it. All he cared about was little Corvus."

Leta and Kama stared at each other intently.

"So this is the truth?" Credence asked. "I am Corvus Lestrange?"

Leta and Kama spoke at once.

"Yes," he replied.

"No!" she exclaimed. 

They glanced at each other.

"Yes," Kama insisted.

"No!" Leta repeated. 

"Realizing that Mustafa Kama's son has sworn revenge, your father sought to hide you where I couldn't find you. So, he confided you to his servant who boarded a ship to America."

Leta had begun pacing nervously. "He did send Corvus to America but--"

Kama ignored her. "His servant Irma Dugard was a half-elf. Her magic was weak and, therefore, left no trace I could follow.

"I'd only just discovered how you had escaped when I received news I never expected. The ship had gone down at sea. But you survived, didn't you? Somehow, someone had pulled you from the water.

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