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Tina stared at the paper in front of her. She was frustrated. The page was covered in writing but she couldn't make out what it said. She knew it was English but, for some reason, she couldn't read it. She was getting more annoyed every minute.

She wasn't going to admit it but she was scared. She hated being trapped. She hated it more than anything else. The sewer was dark and damp and she wanted to get out but she couldn't. She was a prisoner.

Tina gave a frustrated sigh and dropped the paper. It fluttered to the grimy floor. Suddenly, she heard a noise behind her. Spinning around, she let out a gasp. There, standing in the entrance, was Newt. 

Tina's heart gave a leap. Newt was there; there to rescue her. She ran forward and he pulled her into a hug, spinning her around. He set her down and they stared up at each other. They slowly began to lean forward, their lips inches apart.

Tina jerked awake to the sound of someone clearing his throat. She scrambled to her feet and stared across the dimly lit space. She gasped softly, unable to believe her eyes. He was there, just like in her dream.

"Tina!" he exclaimed. Jacob saluted beside him.

"Newt," she breathed. He was really there. He's actually here. He's here to rescue me. And then her hopes were dashed.


Newt's wand flew from his hand, the bars reforming in the entrance. Tina ran to the bars.

"No!" she said, gripping the cold metal.

"My apologies," Kama said. "Mr. Scamander, I shall return and release you . . . once Credence is dead."

"Kama, wait," Tina called, reaching through the bars.

"You see," Kama said. "Either he dies, or I do."

Suddenly, he started moaning, raising a hand to one eye. "Oh! No, no, no." He grunted and collapsed on the ground, completely unconscious. Tina stared at the motionless man. Letting out a sigh, she rested her forehead against the bars.

"Well, that's not the best start to a rescue attempt," Newt said.

Suddenly, all of Tina's anger came crashing back down on her. "Oh, this was a rescue attempt?" she demanded, walking over to stand in front of Newt. "You just lost me my only lead."

Newt looked at her, mildly annoyed. He had come all this way for her and she was mad at him. "Well, how was the interrogation going before we turned up?" he asked, knowing that this would annoy her.

Before Tina could respond, they heard the sound of the metal door swing open and Jacob let out a loud laugh.

"Newt!" he called.

Tina turned and rushed towards Kama, kneeling beside his motionless form. She quickly searched his pockets until she found her wand before picking up the two that lay on the ground. 

"Well done, Pick," Newt said, letting the Bowtruckle hop on his hand as he passed. He moved to join Tina, taking his wand from her.

"So, you need this man, you said," Newt confirmed.

"Yeah," Tina said. "I think he knows where Credence is, Mr. Scamander."

Newt looked up at her. Mr. Scamander. Hearing her using his last name again hurt more than anything else. The two of them stared at each other.

The silence was split by a roar, echoing through the night. The three of them looked up towards the ceiling of the sewer.

"Well, that'll be the Zouwu," Newt said simply. 

They joined hands and Apparated out of the sewer. Newt moved into the street. The Zouwu was crashing through the street, knocking over cars. One of them landed on its side, its headlights shining in the Zouwu's face. The creature roared at the car.

Tina stared at the large creature. Its majestic tail flowed smoothly as it turned.

Newt spun around, setting his case on the ground. He flicked it open.

"Come on, Newt! Get outta there!" Jacob yelled.

Newt ignored him. He summoned a toy and turned to face the creature. It was now right in front of him, its tail swirling behind him. It faced him and let out a deafening roar. Newt raised the toy, shaking it to let the bell jingle. The Zouwu's eyes softened and it stared at the toy, completely transfixed. 

Tina watched as Newt worked. He was doing what he loved and he was doing it excellently. Her eyes held emotions for the first time in months. They were filled with amazement, pride . . . and love.

Newt slowly moved the toy through the air, shaking it again. The Zouwu followed it. Newt began moving to the side of his case. The large creature came forward. Then Newt dropped the toy in his case and the Zouwu let out a roar, diving after it. The case snapped shut behind it.

The people in the street slowly began coming out of hiding. Newt could hear them murmuring in surprise but he felt something materialize in his hand. He raised it. It was the card Dumbledore had given him.

Time to go.

He ran towards Jacob who was waiting on the side of the street with the unconscious Kama. Tina began moving toward them.

"Come on!" he called.

Jacob had grabbed Kama. When Newt reached them he felt Jacob and Tina grab his arms so he Disapparated, trusting Dumbledore's card to take him where he needed to go.

A/N: A bit shorter but the chapter needed to end here and I need to go to bed. I hope you enjoyed! Please vote and comment!

I didn't end up cleaning my room but oh well.

Have a good day!


Written January 31, 2019.

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