Achilles Tolliver

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Tina bent her head over her work. Newt's most recent letter sat on the desk beside her paperwork. Pausing, she glanced at it again. Newt's book had finally been published, she had seen something about it in the newspaper, and he would be coming soon enough. 

I can't wait for him to come back. I miss him so much.

She wanted to write him a letter right then but she knew she couldn't. She had work to do.

Tina let out a sigh and began working again. She was stressed. Harper was moving to another state and she would be getting a new partner. She didn't want a new one. She and Harper had learned to work well together and they understood how the other worked. She didn't want to have to go through the process of learning again.

Isaac Henson, the current Director for Magical Security, entered the room, a young man standing behind him. Tina didn't recognize the second man. 

"Goldstein," Henson said. "I'd like to introduce you to Achilles Tolliver. He'll be your new partner. He just moved from Ohio and, since you're one of our best Aurors and you need a new partner, you'll be showing him how things work here."

Tina nodded, offering them a small smile. "Thank you, Henson."

"I'll leave you two to get to know each other," Henson said. He left the room and Tolliver approached the desk.

"I'm Achilles Tolliver," he said, offering his hand. 

Tina got to her feet and shook his hand.

"Tina Goldstein," she replied. "So, we're working together now?"

"So it seems," Tolliver agreed. "I must say, I can't complain."

Tina didn't like the way he was looking at her as he said that but she ignored it and sat down. Suddenly seeing Newt's letter, she grabbed it and folded it, carefully slipping it in her pocket. She didn't know why, but she didn't want to tell Tolliver about Newt.

"Tina," he said slowly. "I like your name." He had taken a seat was sitting comfortably in the chair.

"Thank you," she said dryly. She didn't mind the name 'Tina' but she still wasn't comfortable with her full name, 'Porpentina'. It was strange and every time someone commented on her nickname she was reminded of her full name.

"What?" Tolliver asked. "You don't like your name?"

Tina shrugged. "It's fine but what do you think of the name 'Porpentina'?"

"I'd feel sorry for whoever has that name," he said. He suddenly seemed to realize what she meant. "Oh, is that your name?"

Tina nodded.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't realize-- I didn't mean it that way."

"It's fine." Tina picked up her quill and rolled it between her fingers, watching the feather shimmer. It was a gift from Newt. He had sent it in the mail a few days ago. It was made of a Thunderbird feather, Frank's feather, to be precise. She loved the way the cream-colored feather flashed gold as it moved.

"Nice quill," Tolliver said. "Can I see it?"

Tina hesitated then shook her head. "No, I'd rather not let anyone touch it. It's special to me."


"A friend of mine gave it to me. It's a Thunderbird feather and I was a Thunderbird in Ilvermorny."

"Really?" Tolliver exclaimed. "So was I!"

Tina nodded slowly. "Ah." She was itching to get back to her work but she couldn't exactly kick Tolliver out. So far, she had found him obnoxious, though she had to admit he was quite handsome. But not as handsome as Newt.

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