Escape From the Ministry

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Newt caught Tina's hand as they ran between the pillars. A voice floated across the room.


Suddenly, the cases of records rose out of the ground and began moving around them. They came to a stop and Tina glanced around, her grip on Newt's hand tightening. Then she pulled him in one direction. They ran through the moving pillars until they were forced to come to a stop. One of the pillars was moving toward them. Unlike the others, it was moving in a straight line. 

Glancing at each other, they let go of their hands and grabbed onto the case as it reached them, letting it carry them across the room. It turned slightly and they were no longer moving backward.  The case carried them forwards, rising further out of the ground. It finally came to a stop near the second-floor railing.

Tina and Newt stared at each other, hardly daring to breathe. Newt shifted his hand to cover Tina's, giving it a gentle squeeze. A ghost of a smile appeared on her lips.

There was the soft rustle of paper and Leta's quiet voice came again. "Records moved to Lestrange family vault at Pere Lachaise."

Tina had glanced away but she looked back at Newt when she heard those words. A worried expression was etched into her features. She realized that this was the box that they had come to find and it wasn't even here. Newt gave her hand another gentle squeeze. She shifted her hand to squeeze his in return. Then she pulled it towards her and pressed a silent kiss to his knuckles. 

There was a long silence where nothing moved and Newt and Tina tried to stay as quiet as possible. Then Leta's voice broke through the silence.


The column of records began to turn. Newt and Tina quickly released their hands to get a better grip so they wouldn't fall. Newt felt Pickett climb onto his arm and up to his pocket.

"Hello, Newt," Leta said.

Newt turned slowly to face his old friend. "Hello, Leta."

Tina turned to look at her as well. Leta turned to her, inclining her head slightly as if asking who she was. She didn't know what to say. This was the woman she had hated for months because of a silly magazine and now it was over. She felt no emotions towards the woman in front of her.

"Hi," she managed awkwardly.

Suddenly, growls filled the air. Large, black, cat-like creatures approached them. The woman who had been at the desk was leading them.

"Oh, no," Newt breathed.

Leta turned and the creatures came closer, growling the whole time.

"What kind of cats are those?" Tina asked.

"Uh, these aren't cats," Newt explained, moving his hand to cover Tina's again. "They're, uh, Matagots. They're spirit familiars. They guard the Ministry. But they won't hurt you unless you--"

"Stupefy!" Leta exclaimed, pointing her wand at one of the Matagots. The spell hit it and it flew backward, bursting into three creatures.

"Unless you attack them," Newt finished.

"Oops," Leta murmured.

"Leta!" Newt called, letting go of Tina's hand to reach for his old friend.

"Reverte!" she called, swinging over the rail onto the shelf between Newt and Tina. 

Tina swung backward to give Leta more room.

The shelves of records began moving quickly, one moving behind them just in time to block a pouncing Matagot. The case they were on lowered and the three of them dropped to the ground, running through the moving columns. They came to a dead end and turned to see another case move behind them, blocking them in. Newt quickly set his case on the ground, flicking it open.

"Get in," he commanded.

Leta was the first to climb in. Tina followed after her and Newt climbed in as well, pulling the lid closed behind him. He rushed from the shed, Tina close behind him.

"Newt!" she called as he approached the Zouwu's enclosure. "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to get us out of here," he replied. "Just trust me." He gave Tina a quick hug. "When I open the case to let you out, bring the toy with you. I'm gonna need help getting the Zouwu back in here. Can you do that?"

Tina nodded and he pressed a brief kiss to her lips. 

"Please be careful," she called.

"Of course," he replied, vanishing into the enclosure. 

Tina let out a worried sigh, turning to rejoin Leta in the shed.

A/N: I finished a chapter! Yay! I hope you enjoyed. Please vote and comment!

My friend and I started working on a 2000 piece puzzle today. It covers practically the whole dining room table. 

I'm probably not gonna get to write a chapter tomorrow because I'm going on a hike. I'll see.

Anyway, have a good day!


Written February 2, 2019.

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