Promise Kept

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Tina woke up with a start. Papers were scattered around her on the dining room table, covering nearly every inch of the surface. A mug, partially filled with lukewarm coffee sat among them. She glanced at the time. The clock's chime was what had woken her up. It was 2:00. 

Newt arrives in ten minutes, she thought sleepily. Glancing at the mess around her, she decided that she might as well go meet him since she wasn't asleep anyway. She grabbed her mug and quickly downed the remaining coffee. Then she tugged on her coat and left the house. 

Newt rubbed his eyes and stifled a yawn as he slowly made his way down the gangplank. He stumbled through customs then began to make his way along the wharf.


Newt started. He looked up to find who had said his name. Tina was running towards him. He set his case down just as she reached him and pulled her into a hug. He picked her up and spun her in a circle. Then he set her down again and kissed her. They kissed deeply, their fingers tangling in each other's hair.

Finally remembering where they were, they broke apart, blushing fiercely.

"You taste like coffee," Newt observed shyly.

"Well, that was the last thing I drank," Tina replied, she pressed another short kiss to his lips.

"Maybe we should save that for when we get home," he murmured, picking up his case.

Tina nodded, taking Newt's free hand. She led him to a corner and Disapparated.

"I missed you," she murmured as they made their way to the apartment.

"Clearly," Newt chuckled. "You're up at two in the morning just to see me."

Tina shrugged. "I was already awake."

Newt glanced at her curiously but didn't say anything.

They quietly slipped up the stairs and into the apartment. As soon as the door closed behind them, Tina grabbed Newt by his coat collar and pulled him into a kiss. He gave a quiet laugh of surprise before returning the kiss. He let his case fall to the floor and wrapped his arms around her waist. Trying to take a step forward to close the tiny gap between them, he stumbled slightly, causing her to take a step back. She felt her back hit the wooden door so she pulled Newt closer to him. One of her hands slipped under his coat and jacket, clutching the fabric of the back of his waistcoat. Her other hand moved from the collar of his coat to the back of his head. 

Newt moved closer to her, trapping her between him and the door. She couldn't move and it was almost impossible to breathe but she didn't mind. He moved one hand up to her head, tangling his fingers in her hair. Pulling her head away from the door, he tilted it slightly to deepen the kiss. 

Eventually, they broke apart, gasping for air. Newt began to move away but Tina pulled him back, burying her face in his neck.

"I love you," she panted.

A smile tugged on Newt's lips. "I love you too."

They stood together in silence for several minutes. When their breathing had finally steadied, they moved apart with a reluctant sigh. Newt picked up his case and turned into the room. The first thing he noticed was the table. It was still covered in papers and files, strewn haphazardly along the tabletop. 

"Tina, tell me the truth," Newt groaned. "Were you working this whole time?"

"No -- Uh -- I--"

"Tina . . ." Newt warned. "The truth."

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