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Tina wandered through the streets of Paris, slowly making her way towards Place Cachée. She had been in Paris for almost three weeks but she hadn't made much progress. She had done everything she could but she couldn't seem to find any information about who Credence was. It was impossible and Tina was feeling more hopeless every day. 

In her pocket was a report about what she had done, explaining that she hadn't made any progress. At this point, she knew she was just waiting for the circus to show up so that she could actually find Credence.

Tina reached the bronze statue. A guard was standing in front of it. Slipping behind him, she quickly pulled out her wand and murmured a spell.


The man doubled over, giggling. Tina looked up at the statue. It leaned down and pulled the bronze fabric away from the base. Tina ducked through the cement. She quickly made her way along the street until she reached the Post Office. After sending the report, she glanced around the small shop, her eyes falling on the postcards.

Tina wandered over to the rack of postcards and slowly began looking through them.

Maybe I should write to Queenie. Just to let her know I'm okay, and to let her know I'm sorry.

Having made up her mind, she purchased a postcard of the bronze statue that guarded Place Cachée. Then she saw another postcard with a dragon on it. Before she could change her mind, she bought that one as well. Picking up a quill, she quickly wrote a message.

My Dear Queenie,

What a beautiful city.

Am thinking of you.

Tina x

Tina wrote the address. Then she turned to the second postcard. After a moment's hesitation, she began to write.

Dear Newt,

I hope you're well. Congratulations on your engagement. I'm sure you and Leta will be happy. I only wish you could have been happy with me.

I miss you and I still love you. I will never stop loving you and I sincerely hope you're happy.

Always yours,
Tina x

Tina addressed the postcard. She stared at it. Writing it had been satisfying but she knew she couldn't send it. Newt was marrying Leta and this letter would have been very inappropriate. She pocketed the postcard but she still sent the other one to her sister. She quickly made her way back to her hotel room where she flopped onto her bed.

Slipping her fingers under the collar of her shirt, she found the longer chain and pulled it out from under her shirt. Lying on her back, she fidgetted with the silver ring that hung from it. She stared up at the ceiling, her tears slowly falling from her eyes. She was alone. The only people she had ever loved were all miles away, and they had all abandoned her.

She unclasped the chain and pulled the ring off it. She slipped the ring on her finger, pocketing the chain. She knew she couldn't wear it forever but she needed to wear it just for that one night. She missed Newt too much and wanted to pretend that, at least for right now, everything was okay.

A/N: It's short but I don't have anything else. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Please vote and comment.

Okay, so I really need to do my homework and clean my closet. Eek. I'd much rather be writing the next chapter. You're gonna recognize the next chapter.

Anyway, have a good day!


Written January 27, 2019.

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