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Tina didn't go to work for the first two days of Newt's visit. However, she returned on the third day. Work went on slowly but she left on time each day, not taking any of her work home. Queenie and Newt had decided she wasn't allowed to and she knew there was no way she could argue with them.

She sat with her head bent over her desk, writing steadily. For once, her desk was relatively organized and she was making some progress. As she wrote, she saw someone enter her office. She looked up, expecting to see Harper.

"Newt!" she exclaimed. "What are you doing here?"

"I was kind of bored at home by myself so I decided to come see you. And I brought you some coffee," he said. "It's in my case though."

Tina laughed. "Thank you." She hesitated. "You called it home," she pointed out. "You did that the other day too."

Newt shrugged. "It feels like home so that's what I call it."

He set down his case and vanished into it. He reappeared a few minutes later, handing her a steaming mug. She took it from him and sipped it slowly.

"I really love your coffee, Newt. For someone who doesn't like coffee, you make some of the best coffee I've ever had." She sipped at it again. "And you make it just how I like it."

"Thank you," Newt mumbled, a shy blush on his cheeks. Tina motioned for him to take a seat.

"I do have to work but I'd like you to stay," she said. 

Newt nodded and sat down. He pulled a book out and started reading. He was spending a lot of time reading while in New York but he didn't have anything else to be doing. They were silent for a long time. Tina was making quite a lot of progress in her work and Newt was reading quietly.

Eventually, Newt lowered his book and studied Tina. Her head was bent over her work, her hair covering her face. She was writing slowly, the end of her quill occasionally getting caught in her hair. The fingers of her right hand were stained with black ink.

Newt's mind wandered back to something he had been thinking of since he was back in England. He liked the thought but there was something holding him back. He was too afraid. 

Eventually, Tina looked up and noticed he was staring at her. He blushed slightly but he didn't look away. She offered him a small smile. Her smile had an incredible effect on him. He loved her smile. There was something about it that was so enchanting, so captivating. As she smiled at him, his next words came out before he could stop them.

"Marry me," he blurted.

Tina started. "What?"

Newt blushed and ducked his head. "I-- I'm sorry-- I shouldn't have--"

"Do you really mean that?" Tina interrupted.

He hesitated. He desperately wanted to say yes, that he did mean it, but he couldn't bring himself to speak. "I -- Uh-- I mean-- It sort of s-slipped out but--"

Tina studied him as he struggled to find his words.

"I think you do mean it," she said gently. "You wouldn't have said it if you didn't. Especially since it was an accident."

Newt's blush deepened. He still didn't know what to say. Slowly, he managed to nod his head once. He got to his feet and moved to stand beside Tina's chair. She got to her feet as well. He nervously took her hands in his, staring at the floor.

"Tina, I d-do want you to marry me," he said slowly, trying to speak clearly. "I've been wondering if I should ask you for a while but I was too scared. I still am. I only managed to ask you because I had just been thinking about it and it sort of slipped out before I could stop it, but that doesn't mean I didn't mean it. I do. I love you and I want to marry you. I'm just afraid you don't feel the same."

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